Sovereign Money by Kathrin Zenkina

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​Rule your reality as the MF QUEEN and start manifesting money on your command Reclaim your birthright to infinite wealth,Rewire archaic money beliefs,Expand your capacity to receive,and manifest money on your command.GET ME INSIDE NOW!You already are the Sovereign Queen of money.The problem is, you forgot.Somewhere along the way between your mama’s womb and now, you took off your crown.You were taught that you had no power (except you do).That you were not in control (except you are).That lack and scarcity is the reality (which is a blatant lie).That money doesn’t grow on trees (even though it literally does).That you’d have to spend your lifetime working hard enough to prove your worth of having what you want (just to feel like you don’t deserve it once you have it).That money doesn’t come easily (even though it 100% can)That you’d have to trade your precious time for dollars (even though time is irrelevant to how much money you can earn).Sovereign (noun):Having freedom from external control. Possessing supreme divine power and authority over oneself.That you’d have to use your masculine drive to out hustle and outperform everyone else to get to the top (even though money responds to feminine energy and there is no “top” )That there isn’t enough to go around (so abundance is a concept you have a hard time wrapping your mind around).That money is always going to be something you stress over (even when your bank account is stacked).And that if you have any right now, you should be careful because it’s not going to last (and so you get stuck in the fear of losing money).But it’s not your fault babe.And what has been learned can be unlearned.What has been lost can be found again.The sovereignty and authority over your money story can be reclaimed once again.Which is what I’m here to help you with.Through your upbringing you were programmed to believe all kinds of stories about money that simply aren’t true.And through that process, you gave money the power to take rulership over you.Even though the rulership has always belonged to you.Sovereign Money is about remembering who the f*ck you are.QUEENYou are the one that money responds to, not the other way around.GET ME INSIDE NOW!You are the architect, the designer, the artist, the engineer and the manifestor of your financial queendom.You have the authority to decide how much abundance you get to have in this lifetime.You are the magnet that all the money in the world is attracted to.You are the honeypot that the Universe is constantly rearranging itself to provide for.The feminine goddess who simply opens up her palms and receives.The one who inherently trusts that money is an “always” kind of experience.The one that doesn’t question her worth when it comes to having it all.The one who has a relationship with money that’s so passionate, so supportive and oh so giving, you’d think a matchmaker made it happen from heaven.Embody the feminine visionary who moves with unwavering certainty that all of her goals, desires and dreams will be met with the currency required to support them. Release the fear of not having enough Release the pressure of having to STRIVE FOR MORE Release the limitations born out of sacrifice And shift into a powerful way of BEING that allows you to revel in the pleasure, satisfaction, and unapologetic expectation of money manifesting on the Queen’s command. I’M READY! SIGN ME UP NOWOctober 24, 2015 was the day I reclaimed my financial sovereignty.I finally had enough.After I wiped the last tear I cried off my face because I didn’t have the money to take my life in the direction that I was ready for it to go in (move to LA, break up with my security blanket boyfriend, close down a business I was no longer passionate about, and start something radically new and exciting), I made the decision that there will never be another day for as long as I live that I couldn’t buy what I wanted. That I couldn’t just pick myself up and do what I wanted, when I wanted, with nobody stopping me.That day I stoked a flame in my heart that burned so high, the heat could’ve warmed up the entire planet.At that moment, I put on my crown.I decided that I wasn’t going to let money hold the power over me.I decided that my poor immigrant mentality wasn’t going to be the reason I wasn’t successful.That I wasn’t going to live a life that was anchored and tied to what others expected of me.I didn’t care anymore what was “realistic” or “normal.”I wanted to have it all.I wanted to do it all.I wanted to create something dramatically different.I wanted to live a big life.I wanted to feel FREE.And I decided to make this life mine.And that’s when I heard a quiet voice say these very words to me:“Master your money mindset, rewire your money programming, decide that money is an abundant resource at your service, and watch your life dramatically change.”And ohhhhhh did it change.Just 18 months later I became a millionaire at the age of 25.One year later, a multi-millionaire at the age of 26.Today I run a multiple 7-figure business with 16 full-time employees.I’m a present mom who travels the world with her family on a regular basis.I am married to the love of my life who is my King and just as invested in our joint financial queendom/kingdom as I am.’I live in my dream home that I still can’t believe I get to wake up in every morning.I have invested multiple millions of dollars into various wealth accounts to secure generational wealth for my entire family.I financially support my grandparents, retired my mom to be her grandson’s FT nanny, and take my family on lavish vacations every year.I drive my dream cars (yes, multiple cars).I don’t look at prices anymore when I order at restaurants or shop in my favorite boutiques.I can send my son to the best of the best schools.And I regularly donate to causes and organizations that are meaningful to me.All because I remembered the sovereign Queen that I am.And that I get to decide what kind of financial experience this lifetime brings.Money is now an enjoyable, pleasurable, and abundant experience for me.And it is about to be the same for you.With the journey through Sovereign Money, it’s inevitable.In the last 8 years I’ve helped thousands of women completely transform their financial realities and learn how to manifest money on their command.From increasing their incomes, to receiving unexpected bonuses, to paying off thousands of dollars of debt, to building million dollar businesses and buying dream homes.And most important of all: Making financial decisions with zero fear.You’ve come to the exact place.SAY YES, QUEENIf you’re ready to:Learn all there is to clear out old archaic money belief systemsPlay a bigger financial gameNeutralize your money triggersExpand your capacity to receive (and be a damn good receiver)Reclaim your birthright to infinite wealthAnd manifest money on your command….Embody Queen energy to effortlessly magnetize and manifest money on your commandGet money to respond to YOU, not the other way aroundCreate a financial queendom that creates generational wealth for lifetimesNeutralize, clear and rewire any trigger or limiting belief around money that’s keeping you playing small financiallyUnderstand how masculine/feminine energetics play into money attractionHack the money game using the spiritual laws of money manifestationBe feminine AF, rich AF, and still provided for (Female breadwinners, this one’s for you)Become a master receiver (that everyone wants to provide for)Make God/Universe/Source your sugar daddy (and no, not the sugar daddy that involves doing things you don’t want to be doing in exchange for money)Clear guilt, shame, and fear that’s preventing you from receiving/keeping/circulating more moneySTOP OVERSPENDING FOR GOODInside Soveriegn Money, you will learn how to:Manifest money on command (step-by-step process that can be forever rinse + repeated with ANY amount of money)Reframe debt & financial hardships to become the best thing that ever happened to you financiallyNEVER DOUBT YOUR INNATE WORTHINESS TO HAVE EVERYTHING YOU WANT + MORERewire your nervous system to always believe there is more than enough money + more will always be availableBecome recession-proof and boom in ANY economyCreate a secure and supportive relationship with moneyGet on the same page financially with your partnerHandle any financial emergency with grace, confidence & certainty (instead of panic & anxiety)Create a financial alignment plan that automatically takes care of bills/expenses but also builds wealth at the same timeClear the root cause of all your money blocksClear guilt around creating abundance in a world of lack, scarcity & sufferingAnd so much more!Lean into your feminine Master the art of surrenderAnd direct the unfolding of your wildest dreams from an empowered positionWhile the Universe does all the heavy lifting, so that you can prioritize:BEING > doingRECEIVING > chasing ALLOWING > forcing And OPULENT AF > desperateAnd for this round of the program ONLY, I’m offering a one time Inaugural Launch Special so that you can get first access to Sovereign Money at the lowest investment it will EVER be saving you over $333!Sign up for Sovereign Money before this offer expires!I’m giving you the keys to the castle, babe! PLUS – Get an exclusive “Money Responds to Me” crewneck when you pay in full at enrollment! FAQS ABOUT SOVEREIGN MONEYSIGN ME UP TO PAY IN FULLSIGN ME UP FOR THE 8-MONTH PAYMENT PLANSave up to $221PAY IN FULL$1,555 – BEST DEAL(+ get an exclusive “money responds to me” crewneck)8-MONTH PAYMENT PLAN$222 PER MONTH*Save $221 when you enroll in the February 2024 round of Sovereign Money for just one payment of $1,555. Terms & Conditions agreement must be signed to get the most immediate access to program content. *Enroll in the February 2024 round of Sovereign Money with Manifestation Babe’s in house financing option and pay just $222/month for 8 months ($1,555 + $221 financing fee, billed over 8 automatic payments). Terms & Conditions agreement must be signed to get the most immediate access to program content. SIGN ME UP FOR THE BUY NOW PAY LATER PLANJoin SOVEREIGN Money now & Pay Later*Enroll in the February 2024 round of Sovereign Money using our trusted 3rd party buy now, pay later partner platform. Terms & Conditions will be based on 3rd party guidelines.

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