The Peaceful Millionaire by Mike Shreeve 7 Months Included

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​Get $459 in FREE Bonuses, and I’ll Send You INSTANT DIGITAL ACCESS to Issue #1 When You Sign Up Today!“The Peaceful Millionaire”Newsletter and “Over-My-Shoulder” Training Series for Coaches, Consultants, Service Providers, and Agency OwnersMike ShreeveAuthor, father, and multiple 7-figure business owner who helps people become $100k/mo coaches, consultants, and agency owners.Dear Friend,If you’re trying to grow your business online……and you know there has to be an easier way to:    Sell Your Books, Courses, and Programs    Get Clients and Sell Your Services    Get Followers and Email Subscribers    Come Up With New Ideas for Offers & Marketing    Attract Attention and Sell More of Your Help and Expertise    Run Your Business, Hire (if You Have To), and MoreBut you haven’t figured out what you’re missing yet what I’m about to share is for you.Every month, I release a new issue of a newsletter I call:“The Peaceful Millionaire”It’s print & digital. A copy is shipped to your door, and it’s available to read online. It averages 100+ printed pages. It includes additional audio and video lessons that are available online. Today, I’d like to invite you to test-drive “The Peaceful Millionaire.” If you decide to try it…I’ll even send you an instant digital copy of Issue #1 and give you $459 worth of my best-selling publishing courses for FREE! Here’s what you’ll find inside…Every month, “The Peaceful Millionaire” features a new mix of marketing, sales, and business growth secrets, along with in-depth analysis from my team and me about what’s working right now and what’s worked in the past when it comes to:    Selling Books, Services, and Courses    Marketing Funnels that Bring in Clients    Traffic Strategies and Techniques    Nurturing Followers and Email Subscribers    Generating Interest and Having Sales Conversations    Hiring, Building a Team, and MoreEach month, you’ll see what worked and what hasn’t worked for me as I break down what I’m focusing on right now…What I’m doing (or have done over the last 17 years) in multiple industries (I’ve had businesses in several)…How I’m selling my books…How I’m simplifying my marketing and sales…What I’m saying to nurture prospects and get clients……and EXACTLY how to apply what I’m doing to your business.Each issue includes clear, actionable strategies in print and in video lessons that ONLY “Peaceful Millionaire” subscribers like you will be able to access.I’d Like to Show You ExactlyHow to Apply What’s Working Right Now.I want to make it as simple and as straightforward as possible for you to copy and apply the principles I’ve used to start and grow multiple 7-figure businesses in what most would consider their spare time.After 17 years of doing this, I’m ready to share everything I know about being a peaceful, mostly part-time millionaire.Over time, if you decide to keep your subscription active, you’ll build a library of lessons, ready-to-apply (often templated) strategies, and actionable techniques that you can consult and apply as you continue to grow your business.But, this is about more than the latest “funnel hacks.” I’m definitely NOT going to send you the flash-in-the-pan “shiny objects” that work today and then suddenly stop working tomorrow.I will definitely share exactly what is working now for me and how you can apply it. But, more importantly…These Lessons Will Show You HowTo Make Marketing and Sales PeacefulI can’t wait to share with you the secrets that I’ve learned over the last 17 years, starting and growing multiple businesses to 7-figures per year in revenue……selling thousands of books every month, selling thousands of courses, getting clients, running ads, communities, email lists, and more…But what I urge you to remember is this important lesson:In today’s world, there are plenty of great sources of information, ideas, strategies, “funnel hacks,” breakdowns, templates, and more.But very few show you how to make growth, sales, and marketing peacefully, part-time, and stress-free.That’s what I’d like to show you.Here’s What’s Included When You Subscribe to “The Peaceful Millionaire” Today:When you subscribe today, I’ll include:    Immediate Digital Access to Issue #1 of “The Peaceful Millionaire”so you can jump in and start applying the strategies, templates, and concepts I’ll share right away    A Physical, Printed Copy of the Next Issue of “The Peaceful Millionaire” (averages 100+ pages). I’ll mail this right to your door.    A Digital Copy of the Next Issue of “The Peaceful Millionaire”     1 x “Marketing Funnel Breakdown” from my Peaceful Profits team of experts and coaches    1 x Book Selling, Course Selling, Client-Getting, or Offer Creation “What’s Working Now” Plan (ready for you to immediately use)    1 x “Template of the Month” you’ll be able to use to sell more books, sell courses, get more clients, or simplify marketing, sales, content creation, and more    1 x Expert Interview and Q&A revealing rarely discussed insider strategies and perspectives    And much, much more, including surprise bonuses, books I’m reading now with my personal insights, and lessons I’ll only make available to Peaceful Millionaire subscribers like youEvery month, I’ll send you ALL of the above!I’ll mail the newsletter right to your door so you can add the 100+ pages of strategies and templates to your marketing library. I’ll give you digital access to exclusive lessons available only to subscribers, too. Plus, you’ll get digital access to the newsletter, that way, you can reference it from anywhere.Get $459 in FREE Bonuses, and I’ll Send You INSTANT DIGITAL ACCESS to Issue #1 When You Sign Up Today!If you decide to subscribe today and take “The Peaceful Millionaire” for a test drive, I’ll give you immediate digital access to Issue #1 of “The Peaceful Millionaire.”Here are a few of the lessons you’ll discover inside this 100+ page issue:    The #1 biggest “marketing funnel” mistake and how it sabotages sales and client-getting from the inside out. Understand this to reveal what’s actually happening in your business, that way, you can easily find solutions that can make client-getting, marketing, and sales peaceful and more profitable (p. 4)    The real reason you’re NOT “just one funnel away” (and what to do instead). To be frank, I blame my very good friend, Russell Brunson (someone that I admire and I’m grateful for everything he’s done) for convincing everyone they’re “3 feet from gold.” The reality is a bit different…but still achievable with the same–or even less work–than you’re putting in now (see p. 6)    What my first job picking blueberries (I actually lied about my age to get the job–my family needed the $$ to pay for groceries) taught me about client-getting. I believe applying this one lesson can solve most of the client-getting problems in any online coaching or agency business (p. 8)    Systems vs. Machines – Do you know the difference? Do you know if your marketing funnel is a system or a machine? If you don’t, you could be leaving 3-4 clients per month and 1,000s of book sales or low-ticket sales on the table (p. 9)    One 25% rule I teach my private clients that helps them maximize sales volume and return on ad spend (ROAS) while “harvesting” more of their dream clients (p. 14)    Solve this single inefficiency to cut the time you spend focusing on marketing by 50% or more. What will you do with the extra time, energy, and effort you’ll save? (p. 16)    A common-sense call-to-action principle that almost always generates clients when I use it in my business or client businesses–no matter how small–this usually brings in clients as long as you have a following, email list, or group of at least 100-200 people who might be interested in your help (p. 19)    Want to talk to FEWER prospects and get more clients? Sales conversations are my least favorite part of getting clients, that’s why I use the messaging formula I’ll share to kick off the sales process (p. 21)    My coaching business does $5M per year in high ticket offer sales but only has a single full-time salesperson. I’ll give you the strategy I use to do it (p. 24)    “Dear Mike, I want to get results from my marketing right away. How can I speed up the process?” Discover the real reason you’re asking this question–and what to do about it (p. 28)    Three ways to accelerate any marketing campaign designed to drive sales so you can get results faster (p. 34)    How to use risk-reversal to make almost any offer, service, or product so instantly irresistible people can’t help but buy from you…even if you have competitors who are more well-known and more established than you (p. 40)    Revealed: A 2-Part Formula for Becoming a $100,000/mo Coach – Shockingly, this has nothing to do with the structure of your marketing funnel, how you get traffic, or even how much you’re spending on marketing. It’s something else entirely, and no one talks about it unless they’ve been there (p. 42)    The missing component 99% of coaching businesses don’t have yet (but should). This can reduce stress, cover all marketing expenses, and put more profit into just about any business that helps other people solve problems they face. It’s not a book funnel (p. 46)    Deep Dive: Behind the Scenes of a $2,000 Offer (Creation + Launch) – Not just how it was launched, but why it was created. It’s covering a gap I had in one of my businesses. If you find the same “gap” in yours, copy what I did (p. 50)    If your score on this assessment is between 11-18 (out of 25), it might be time to re-frame what you’re selling…do this before creating anything new, and let me show you how this process created more revenue in one of my businesses with less work (p. 54)    If you’re having conversations with prospects, but they’re not becoming clients, apply the “two-way” strategy I’ll give you to make sales conversations natural, less stressful, and actually helpful (p. 58)    Find out if “built-in objections” are the reason why your offers aren’t converting. Apply this concept to solve a lot more than sluggish high-ticket sales (p. 66)    Heard about the 80/20 principle but having trouble applying it? If you have way too much to focus on in your business, use the method I use to determine priorities. It’s simple, fast, and can cut the time you spend working on your business starting today (p. 71)    The 3 books I’m loving this month, thoughts on each, and how to apply their concepts in your business. Let me “read them for you” (p. 83)    Two exercises you can use to come up with the plan I’d use to double your revenue, improve sales, and reduce stress in your business in the next 30 days (p. 96)    Wondering how I structure the offers in my business? Let me show you (p. 100)You’ll get access to all of the lessons above immediately when you test drive “The Peaceful Millionaire” today.They’re all available in Issue #1.I’ll give you digital access to Issue #1 immediately when you sign up. Then, you’ll receive the next physical copy of “The Peaceful Millionaire” (I’ll ship it to your doorstep and include digital access when it ships). A new issue comes out every month (averaging 100 pages each). But that’s not all you’ll get when you sign up today.I’ll Also Give You $459 in FREE BonusesWhen You Test Drive“The Peaceful Millionaire” Newsletter TodayYou’ll also get a few of my post-popular publishing courses when you subscribe today.Even if you decide NOT to keep your Peaceful Millionaire subscription active (you can cancel at any time), you can keep these free courses.Bonus #1:How To Get Your Book In Bookstores, Libraries, And Even Big Box StoresDoesn’t matter if you’re trad or self-published, I’ll show you how to get your print book into some of the biggest retailers right now.Securing these deals takes a bit of know-how, some negotiation skills, and a little bit o’ elbow grease but seeing your book on the shelves of Barnes and Noble, or seeing the truckloads of books Target can sell for you makes it all worth it. And for those who grew up in the Public Library like I did, I’ll show you how to make that childhood dream come true of getting your book in libraries. No better feeling than seeing your book well loved and used at a Public Library.I’ll show you how.Bonus #2:How To Secure 5-Figure Speaking Gigs With Your BookAlmost every single one of my private clients uses speaking as a stream of income. One client does more than $2,000,000 a year just getting paid to speak (not typical results).In this training I’ll show you how I use my clients’ books to get them booked on stages which pay a minimum of $10,000 or more to speak. If you’ve ever wanted to be a paid speaker, I’ll show ya how I do it for my clients.Bonus #3:$500,000 book proposal templateI’m including the exact template I use when helping my clients land 6 figure publishing deals. I’ll break it down for you step-by-step so you can follow along, fill-in-the-blanks, and use it to get deals.I’ve never shared or sold this before ever.Bonus #4:6 In-Depth book teardowns from my editorI’ve asked our Peaceful Profits Book Director and editor to share her favorite 6 in-depth book reviews she’s given to our clients.You’ll see how she breaks down bad writing and turns it into award winning content. You’ll see her walk through my proven process for writing non-fiction that sells your readers into your services. And you’ll get loads of ideas on how to improve your own work just by watching her break down the work of others. This is a 10/10 must watch to improve your ability to write good work that readers will love!Bonus #5:7 Ways to Come Up With Really Good Book ContentNever run out of ideas for writing great content for your book. This is NOT your average “how to write” course, this is about learning the secrets of non-fiction books that turn readers into fans, and fans into clients.Deep dive into this four-part approach that covers 7 of our best strategies for never being beaten by the blank page and improve your current work-in-progress to sell better.Bonus #6:How To Be A Productive Writer:Insights From Our Ghostwriting Team On How They Consistently Write Thousands Of Words Per DayLearn from key members and top writers of my ghostwriting agency on what they do to produce tens of thousands of words per day for our clients.This is the nitty gritty stuff most writers don’t talk about. You’ll hear from real professionals who live and die by the deadline and how they ALWAYS get stuff done, on time, and without struggle. I wish I’d had access to this panel of professionals when I first started writing. Would have helped a lot to make me more productive earlier in my career.A subscription to “The Peaceful Millionaire” is $95 per month. Shipping is free, and you get digital access to $459 in FREE bonuses above when you subscribe today.You’ll get instant access to Issue #1 of ‘The Peaceful Millionaire,” too. I’ll also give you access to a subscriber-only membership area where you can access the digital version of “The Peaceful Millionaire” and all of the monthly video and audio lessons that come with it.You can cancel your subscription at ANY TIME (for any reason).I’d like to help you build a library of my 17+ years of knowledge launching, growing, and scaling multiple businesses to $100k+ per month. That way, you’ll be able to always go back and reference tested strategies, insights, templates, and more–and you’ll have them in permanent, paper & ink copies for quick and easy reference. However, I realize that “The Peaceful Millionaire” may not be for everyone.This is a Newsletter for Business OwnersWho are Focused on Long Term GrowthIf you’re looking for “works today, stops working tomorrow” funnel hacks…this is NOT the newsletter for you.While I certainly wish I had many of the insights I’m about to share when I first started, this newsletter may not be the best fit for brand-new marketers, authors, and service providers who are just starting. And I DO NOT suggest spending your last pennies on this subscription, hoping it will be the “magic wand” you can wave today to make millions tomorrow. That’s not going to happen.But what I will say is this:If you are trying to create and sell things online like non-fiction books or courses…If you have a service or coaching program and you’re looking to get clients……and if you know there must be easier, less stressful, and less time-consuming ways to approach marketing, sales, and growth……but you HAVE NOT figured out what those are yet…This newsletter subscription is for you.I’m sharing my 17 years of knowledge starting and growing multiple Part-Time $100k/mo+ businesses. I’m putting those secrets into a monthly print (paper and ink) newsletter that averages 100+ pages. I’m pairing it up with online training, templates, interviews, and more that are ONLY available to subscribers. You’ll get a physical copy of the newsletter in the mail + digital access to everything.And, if you subscribe today, you’ll get $459 worth of my most popular publishing courses for FREE. Now is the time to decide if you’re “in” or if you’re “out.”If this is for you and you’re in…Click the “Subscribe” button below and take the “Peaceful Millionaire” for a test drive.You’ll get immediate access to the bonuses, you’ll get immediate access to the digital version of Issue #1, and the next issue of “The Peaceful Millionaire” will ship during the first week of the month.Click “Subscribe” below to get started.I agree to the Terms and Conditions. I understand that this is a monthly subscription. I know that I will be billed $95 immediately upon subscribing and then $95/mo every 30 days unless I cancel my subscription. I also know that I can cancel at any time by sending an email to the email address at the bottom of this page.Note: You must agree to the terms of this subscription by checking the box above before you can continue your order.To your success,Mike ShreeveMike “The Peaceful Millionaire” ShreeveFrequently Asked QuestionsWill I become a millionaire if I read this newsletter?I cannot and I will not promise that this newsletter subscription will make you money.What I can promise is that it will show you exactly what I focus on in my businesses so that I can enjoy a relatively passive business ownership experience, ease of marketing, ease of client-getting, and ease of growth.I can promise that you’ll learn the fundamentals and many of the specifics that I focus on to make growth simple.How you apply those principles (and if you apply them) is up to you and your willingness to put in some work and take action.What is included with my subscription today?You’ll get immediate access to Issue #1 of “The Peaceful Millionaire.” I’ll also send the most recent issue to the mailing address you provide. You’ll get digital access to the most recent issue as well. Here is the breakdown of what is included:    Immediate Digital Access to Issue #1 of “The Peaceful Millionaire” so you can jump in and start applying the strategies, templates, and concepts I’ll share right away    A Physical, Printed Copy of the Most Recent Issue of “The Peaceful Millionaire” (averages 100+ pages). I’ll mail this right to your door.    A Digital Copy of the Most Recent Issue of “The Peaceful Millionaire”     1 x “Marketing Funnel Breakdown” from my Peaceful Profits team of experts and coaches    1 x Book Selling, Course Selling, Client-Getting, or Offer Creation “What’s Working Now” Plan (ready for you to immediately use)    1 x “Template of the Month” you’ll be able to use to sell more books, sell courses, get more clients, or simplify marketing, sales, content creation, and more    1 x Expert Interview and Q&A revealing rarely discussed insider strategies and perspectives    And much, much more, including surprise bonuses, books I’m reading now with my personal insights, and lessons I’ll only make available to Peaceful Millionaire subscribers like youWhen will I receive access to “The Peaceful Millionaire” newsletter and the 6 FREE publishing courses worth $459?You will get immediate access to a digital version of Issue #1 of “The Peaceful Millionaire.” You will also receive immediate access to the 6 FREE publishing courses. Access instructions will be sent via email.Do I get access to back issues for FREE?Every so often, I’ll send a catalog of back issues to “Peaceful Millionaire” subscribers. This catalog is where you’ll be able to purchase back issues.Why do you not do a “FREE (just pay shipping)” trial issue so I can see if I like it for free?“The Part-Time Millionaire” includes information, ideas, concepts, and strategies that I’ve never shared anywhere else and will never share anywhere else.It also includes templates and breakdowns of what’s working right now for my businesses.If you’ve followed me for some time, you’ll already know: I do not believe in bringing “freebie seekers” into my business.My strategies, ads, and even my books – sometimes word for word – are frequently swiped, copied, and outright STOLEN by unscrupulous marketers who would rather attempt to make a quick buck and fade away (rather than learn the principles that actually make things work).What I’ve discovered is simple: When I offer things for free, a lot of people simply swipe and copy what I’ve shared. When I offer things for sale, the type of people who I’d like to help and serve – serious business owners focused on long-term growth – take action and join me.This is not a subscription for people looking for quick riches. Those looking for quick riches often copy my stuff. I’d like to keep this information exclusive to serious, paid subscribers.How did you learn how to do this?I’m often asked, “Mike, what prompted you to start a business?” Or “Mike, how did you learn how to do this?”My answer: “Desperation.”I didn’t choose the business life, the business life chose me.I was homeless with no skills living in a town full of PhDs, engineering graduates, and accounting majors.I dove headfirst into studying marketing, sales, negotiation, writing etc. NOT because it was my passion…… but because it was my TICKET out of being poor.Sometimes you have to be really good at something you may not like in order to get the thing you really want.My journey in marketing, sales, and writing led me to work with some of the biggest names, personalities, and businesses in the marketing and personal development space.Along the way, I started multiple agencies and coaching businesses of my own, in multiple industries.Over 17 years of learning, testing what works, and seeing what doesn’t firsthand in my own business and the businesses of 1,000s of my clients and students–with countless successes and even more failures–I arrived at where I am today……a “passive” owner of multiple $100k/mo businesses.I’d like to show you how I did it and what I’m doing now. I’d also like to reveal to you the answers to many of the mistakes that I made along the way. These mistakes cost me money. They caused me stress. They may have even made my cardiologist a bit richer.But, the mistakes I made also cost me time with my family that I’ll never be able to get back. I do not want the same to happen to you, that is why I am sharing the lessons I share inside “The Peaceful Millionaire.”I don’t have a book, and I don’t plan to write a book like The One Book Millions Method to get clients. Will I still find this useful?I believe you will still find this valuable, even if you don’t have a book or plan to write one. Here’s why…My book, The One Book Millions Method and my other books and courses like it are not my business. A book should not “be your business” either.Getting a business that helps others, sells courses or coaching, and provides valuable support or service to clients is about more than a book. Using a book to get clients is just one part of my business.Inside “The Peaceful Millionaire,” I will share much more than just book marketing strategies. We’ll cover offer creation, ads strategy, nurture strategies, what to say to your audience, how to use technology to make your life as a business owner easier, how to create compelling offers people will buy, how to structure a business that serves others so it can run without you, how to work your way out of your business (if you want), how to hire, who to hire, if you should even hire, and much, much more.This subscription is about much more than books.I don’t sell coaching, information, courses, or a service online. Is this still for me?Probably not.If you sell physical products, you may be able to learn from my insights, however, my team and I create “The Peaceful  Millionaire” and the templates, strategies, and lessons inside for coaches, consultants, agency owners, freelancers, and people with a service.Will this teach me how to sell my fiction books directly to readers?No.How do I cancel if I decide I no longer want a subscription?Canceling your subscription is easy. I’d hate to see you go, but all you need to do is send an email to [email protected] with the subject line: “Cancel Peaceful Millionaire Subscription” and our team will take care of that for you before the next billing cycle.About Your GuideMike Shreeve started his first business using the power of words in 2007 while living on the streets of Portland, Oregon.Thanks to a helpful librarian, the public access computers, and a little elbow grease, Mike was able to write his way out of homelessness and into a life of entrepreneurship, impact, and helping others.Mike is the owner of Peaceful Profits, serves on the board of three non-profits, successfully self-publishes fiction under various pen names, and has generated more than $150,000,000 for his clients over the past 15+ years.Mike ShreeveOver $150M in sales generated for his clients over the past 15+ years, much of that with the help of a short book.

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