The Daily Content System by Matt Giaro

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​How to Grow an Audience of Hungry Buyers in30 Minutes Per DayDear Friend & Subscriber,If want to grow your audience without spending a dime on ads, and quickly build a body of work you can be proud of…Then this page will show you a radical system to create and publish daily content on the internet (no matter the format: written, video, or audio) in just 30 minutes a day in a way that’s fun & entertaining…And without having to hire a single person and without feeling like a slave to your computer.Can You Answer “Yes” To One of These Questions? You want to start publishing content online to build a loyal audience to monetize your expertise You don’t have much time to dedicate to content creation… and are looking for a system to make it faster You’ve tried different solutions to write content faster (like using AI, batching, or content calendars) but aren’t satisfied and still find yourself struggling to keep up with publishing consistently. You want to build a body of work to stand out in your market and become the go-to expertIf you answered yes to any of the above,read this page carefully.You know it…Creating content is one of the best ways to monetize your expertise.You can turn your knowledge into real income—whether it’s through:    Coaching    Consulting    Digital productsThe opportunity is huge, but here’s the problem: the internet is packed.It’s noisy as a busy construction site.And it feels like everyone’s shouting at the same time.With so much noise, it’s normal to feel like your voice is just going to get drowned out.You might be thinking, “How am I supposed to stand out when there’s already so much content out there?”And you’re right.Every day, millions of new content pieces flood the web:→ 70 million blogs are published every month→ 350,000 X (Twitter) posts are sent every minute→ 500 minutes of video are uploaded to YouTube each minuteAll competing for attention.So in an age where everything is crowded… the only way to get a chance getting seen is by increasing your bets.The Internet Is Like a Giant Slot MachineAnd the more you play, the more chances you have to hit the jackpot.Think of every piece you publish like putting another to pull the lever.The more content you put out there, the higher the probability you’ll:    build trust and authority    get noticed by your audience    be able to attract high-paying clientsNot every pull will be a winner. And it doesn’t have to.All you need is a handful of pieces of content to start building your influence and income.Take for example this Medium article here:This article got only 2.9k views.But it showered me with over $12,321.43 in business (and counting) and flooded my inbox with 541 eager new email subscribers in just 48 hours.The only catch?It was my 163rd article on Medium.It’s a numbers game—the more content you put out there, the better your odds of landing that big payoff.The Best Way to Grow an AudienceIs to Publish Daily ContentHere’s why:First, algorithms reward novelty.If you want to get your content noticed there’s no way around it. You’ll need to publish content on a platform that uses an algorithm.With so much content out there, algorithms pick what is fresh and works the best.That’s why most content on the Internet has a lifespan of less than 48 hours:Novelty wins.Reason number 2, is that you can’t predict what is going to work.So the safest strategy is to test a lot of different content types and angles and see what works specifically for you.It’s the famous example of throwing spaghetti onto the wall and seeing what sticks:Reason number 3, is that your competitors are probably already creating daily content…So if you want to keep up, there is no other choice than leveling up your production cadence to get a chance to get seen.But let’s face it..Without A systemCreating daily is hardEspecially when you’re neck-deep in a 9-5. There are too many things to manage. There are too many platforms you could post on. There are too many types of content you could create.Perhaps you’ve tried publishing consistently in the past, but were frustrated with the lack of progress.You’ve put in the work—maybe not every day, but enough to expect something.But the audience isn’t growing, the engagement isn’t there, and it feels like you’re just spinning your wheels.It’s like you’re shouting into the void and no one’s listening.It’s frustrating because you know you’ve got something valuable to share.But it feels like no one’s paying attention.You start to wonder if all the effort is even worth it. You’re tired of not seeing results, and it’s draining your motivation.Perhaps you’re doubting yourself and think that you can’t publish a qualitative piece of content each day…Maybe you watch others churn out content every single day like it’s nothing, and it makes you feel small.You’re stuck, overwhelmed by the thought of having to come up with something valuable every day.It’s like you’re paralyzed before you even begin.The pressure to stay relevant is suffocating, and it’s easier to just avoid the whole thing.And what if nobody cares?Maybe you’re worried that even if you do manage to post daily, no one will care—or worse, they’ll reject it.The thought of putting in all that effort and getting zero response is terrifying.You’re stuck in a loop of “What if I pour my heart into this and it’s just crickets?” and it’s paralyzing.The fear of falling flat might prevent you from even trying.It’s easier to stay safe and not put yourself out there…3 Lies About Creating Daily (That Don’t Work)Perhaps you’ve tried waiting for inspiration to strike, thinking that when you’re in the zone, your content will be top-notch.But let’s be honest—how often does that actually happen?Inspiration is fickle, and if you’re relying on it, you’re probably not creating much at all.The result?→ Inconsistent posting→A disengaged audience→ And no real progressMaybe you’ve considered batching your content—spending one marathon day each month cranking out everything at once.But life gets in the way, you fall behind, and before you know it, your scheduled content is gone, and you’re back to square one.Plus, batching can make your content feel stale or out of touch with what’s happening now.It’s a shortcut that often leads to burnout and inconsistency.Maybe you’ve thought about outsourcing your content altogether, hiring someone to do the heavy lifting while you focus on other things.It might seem like a smart move, but here’s the blunt truth: most people are flaky.Finding someone who’s serious, reliable, and can actually capture your voice?That’s rare.And even if you find someone, managing them can easily turn into a full-time job.If you’re like me, you don’t want to spend your time babysitting or constantly checking in to make sure things are getting done.Perhaps you’ve also played around with some artificial intelligence tools…But you found the result not good enough to put your name underneath it.Just Imagine…You wake up, grab your morning coffee, and sit down at your desk.All you have to do is open your laptop and follow a simple series of steps that won’t take more than 30 minutes of your day.No endless scrolling.No wasting time on tasks that don’t move the needle.No more frustration looking at your competitors and doing more “research.”Just a deep mentally stimulating content-creation session that showcases your expertise.By the end of the session, you close your laptop.You stand up and have the gratifying feeling going through your body that the work has been done.Yes, you’ve just created your daily piece of content.Not only that.Later in the day, you might check your notifications and see people engaging with your stuff…Over time all these bits start compounding and build your email list and audience.That’s the power of having the right system.I’ve been publishing daily content on the internet for over 5 yearsI get it.This seems crazy to most people.But I’ve been writing daily content on the internet consistently, and I’ve seen firsthand the impact it can have.A few examples?In October 2020, I created daily videos on YouTube for almost 3 months in a row:I’ve been writing daily emails for several years:And it doesn’t stop there—I’ve also been regularly publishing articles on Medium, Substack, my blog, building a body of work that keeps my name in front of the people who matter…Now, here’s the thing:I don’t have a full-time job. But I’m not working all the day either.In fact, I do most of my daily content creation in the mornings.That means I have the rest of the day to do something else, whether it’s:    Working on other projects    Spending time with family    Or just chillingThe myth that you have to sit for 8 hours a day churning out content?It’s a lie.There are systems and tools that help streamline your process, making it easier to maintain consistency without burning out.So when I say this approach works, it’s not just theory. It’s experience.And it’s experience that’s allowed me to maintain a balance, show up for my audience every day, and still have a life outside of content creation.If I can do it, so can you.My No-BS Methodology for Creating Daily ContentCreating daily content isn’t just about sitting down and churning out words, talking to a camera or into a microphone.What you need is a solid system that keeps you moving, even when you don’t feel like it, or shit hits the fan.My system has 4 simple parts to it.Here’s how it works:1. Unlimited IdeasThe backbone of each piece of content is ideas.It’s the raw material you need to kickstart your production line.If you don’t have a reliable way to come up with ideas, you’ll hit a wall fast.Over the years, I’ve developed unique ways to never run dry on ideas.In fact, every day I come up with 5-10 content ideas.So I always have more content ideas than I can ultimately create.The best part?I don’t even need to block out brainstorming sessions.Those ideas come naturally without me even asking for them. All I do is catch them when my brain throws them at me.But that wasn’t always the case.So even if you struggle to come up with ideas, the tools I’ve developed will help you quickly come up with more content ideas than you could have ever imagined.When you have the luxury of having too many ideas, you have an unfair advantage: you’ll never run out of things to talk about.2. Deep Work Content SprintsYou don’t need to spend 8 hours a day chained at your computer to create daily content.What you need is only one focused hour.It’s what I call a content sprint.Content sprints work because they tap into the power of focused, deep work.When you dedicate a block of uninterrupted time to a single task, your brain enters a state of heightened focus and productivity known as the flow state.This intense focus not only boosts the quality of your content but also drastically reduces the time it takes to create it.You perform at peak performance and capacity and get things done 10x faster.Making those 30 minutes more effective than 8 hours of scattered, unfocused work.By the end of each sprint, you’ll start each day with the great feeling that you’ve already done your part to build your audience and that you’re finally moving in the right direction.This will give you the confidence to do this every day.You’ll impress everyone around you once they see all the content you’ll be able to crank out – without them even noticing.3. Using specific templates & Ai to write about anything in an interesting wayIdeas are useless if you can’t turn them into actual content.That’s where a predictable process comes in.Use templates and proven content structures to go from idea to finished piece without wasting time.This isn’t about stifling creativity—it’s about making sure you can deliver consistently without burning out.The second leverage point here is using artificial intelligence to write more content that sounds like you.4. A Backup Plan for When Things Go to Hell (Or Just Want To Go On Vacation)Some days are going to suck.You could get hit with a last-minute work emergency or just have one of those days where everything goes wrong.Life happens, and you need to be ready for it. That’s why having a backup plan is crucial.It’s a stash of pre-made content, a quick-and-easy format, or old stuff you can repurpose.When things go south, you need something ready to go so you don’t miss a beat.This system keeps you on track, cuts the stress, and makes sure you keep delivering content that matters, no matter what life throws at you.This simple 4-step system keeps you on track, cuts the stress, and makes sure you keep delivering content that matters, no matter what life throws at you. After writing over 2,000 daily emails Publishing over 400 blog posts And recording over 200 hours of online course lessons…I’ve created a system to help create daily content on the internet.No matter it’s written, audio, or video-based.This system works for any format or any platform.It doesn’t require you to hire any VA or freelance contractor.And I’ll help you set this up inside my new course called:The Daily Content SystemA self-paced online course to help you create daily online contentCourse duration: ~2 hoursHere’s some of what you’ll learn in the course:MODULE 1: The Foundations Of Your Rock-Solid Daily Content System How to build a rock-solid content system that guarantees daily output—even if you’ve struggled with consistency before. The definite answer: Should you create long or short form? (Most content creators waste 50% of their time picking the wrong platform? Discover the simple choice that ensures your content reaches the right audience.) 3 Ways to eliminate decision fatigue and focus on what really matters—so you can channel your energy into content creation, not endless strategizing. The truth behind SEO vs. Social Media strategies—and why most creators get it wrong, leaving thousands of potential followers on the table. What is the best type of content to create when you’re a beginner? Where you should create daily content? Is it on YouTube, Medium, Substack, your blog, or somewhere else?By the end of this module, you’ll know exactly what & where to publish your daily piece.MODULE 2: How To Sculpt Your Prolific Week 2 different types of processes to create daily content (and which one is better.) How to beat “content perfectionism” (and why it’s actually okay to put out imperfect content – especially when you’re starting out.) The handy “checklist” you need to create to stop wasting time on tasks that don’t move the needle when creating content. (Especially useful if you find yourself overwhelmed hitting publish) My 1-minute thumbnail process to create Youtube, Medium, and YouTube thumbnails fast.By the end of this module, you’ll know exactly how to organize your week in an effective way to create daily content in just 30 minutes.MODULE 3: Unlimited Idea Generation Two ways to find ideas that will make people instantly interested in your what you have to say (even if you don’t have an audience and nobody knows who you are) The “double whopper”: A simple way to turn one single piece of content into two (without much additional effort) and how to let others generate content for you… How to set up your “idea bank” so that you never run out of ideas. (This is the exact system I use every day to NEVER run out of things to write about.) 3 unconventional ways to program your brain to come up with original content ideas effortlessly (even if you think that you’re not creative and that your ideas are far from original) How to hack your brain to come up with content ideas (on almost autopilot)By the end of this module, you’ll have a system to never run out of content ideasMODULE 4: Daily Content Templates Banish content creation overwhelm forever with two timeless templates that work on any platform – from Twitter to long-form (the reason why they work is that they’re based on persuasion and human psychology.) No more worrying about turning short insights into big long content. Just follow this framework to generate fresh, engaging content every single day. Avoid this common mistake that turns your content into a boring lecture, causing your audience to tune out and unfollow The 6-step template you can use for short-form and long-form content to build your audience The easiest way to start creating content that ain’t boring. The “Content Multiplier” trick to squeeze maximum value from every idea (even if you think you’ve run out of things to say)By the end of this module, you’ll have a set of templates that you can use to write daily content about any idea.Module 5: Creation Sprints: The Secret to Focused, High-Impact Creation A simple hack to write an article in just 5 minutes with Ai that completely sounds like you (includes my 94-word prompt) Why editing your work is a waste of time (and what to do instead) 3 simple ways to create a long-form piece of content faster than you can finish your coffee. How to “trick” your brain to stop worrying about perfectionism, and publish daily The 2 “things” to tweak to turn 1 piece into 10.B the end of this module, you’ll know exactly how to enter a deep flow state and get more things done in 30 minutes than most people in 3 hours.MODULE 5: Advanced Techniques To Never Miss A Day The number 1 mistake to avoid when publishing content on borrowed platforms that will help you My emergency system to publish (even on the bad days) – I initially learned this from finance gurus but found that it could easily applied to content creation too How to turn one article into 3 (without anyone noticing it) Exactly what to publish when you have no time, no bandwidth, or simply want to go on vacationsA simple organization system to make sure you repurpose content the smart way (without anyone noticing it)BONUS 1: Writer’s Unblock Online Course (Sold $150 separately)The ultimate toolbox to kick writer’s block to curb, find almost “unlimited” ideas, and turn any of them into a publishable piece of content.BONUS 2: My 2 “dirty AI prompts” to build your personal AI content assistant to generate stop-scrolling, viral hooks, clickable headlines, and thumbnails (no matter the platform) in 10 minutes or less(Not sold and never taught separately)This training alone will save you HOURS each week coming up with “clickable” content.Here’s what you’ll get:↓ ↓ ↓JOIN TODAY/ Standard$397Join TodayThis Course Will Pay For Itself at least 10 timesMost people waste HOURS each day trying to create daily content.Some of them hire expansive ghostwriters or marketing agencies that cost somewhere from 2 to 5 grand a month.How much time & energy have you already lost trying to build your audience?A few hours here and there?Okay. And how much is your time worth?Let’s say $150. Simply do the math…If all this course did was save you 2 hours… then it already paid for itself.DAILY CONTENT GROWTH GUARANTEEWhat I teach in this course works.I’m using this system in my business RIGHT NOW.Give this course a fair try. Follow everything I teach. Start creating daily content for the next 90 days.Dedicate 30 minutes to it per day.If you don’t agree that this system allows you to create daily content faster than ever before…Then you’ll get your FULL MONEY BACK.(Proofs required to prevent fraud)As Seen On:TL;DR: What’s this course all about?It’s about setting up a system to create daily content so that you can grow and federate an audience that wants to buy from you. For which platforms does this work?Any platform: Substack, Medium, LinkedIn, X, Your Blog, YouTube (long & short), Instagram (Reels)…Reason is, we’re not working on hacking the algorithm, but your brain to help you publish daily.Does this system teach you the specifics of ALL platforms out there? No. It teaches you a framework that you can then model towards where you want to publish. (The dirty prompt bonus will be bloody helpful to quickly create kick-ass content no matter the platform.)This makes the system you’ll learn 100% future and algorithm-proof.Will this help me pump out content consistently?You bet. Do I have to create daily?Nope. You can use the principles and set up your own cadence: 2,3,5, or 7 days a week. I recommend going daily though to get results faster.Do I need a prior audience? What if I already have an audience?You don’t need a prior audience to apply this system. If you already have an audience, it will help you grow and strengthen the relationship with it (and ultimately help you make more dough.) What if I don’t have enough ideas to publish daily?Great. Module 3 will fix that in just 30 minutes. What’s the difference between this course and The $100,000 Online Writing System?The $100,000 Online Writing System shows you how to monetize your writing from scratch. If you were able to use the info in that course and publish daily (which is not its primary focus), then kudos to you.But if you don’t, then The Daily Content System will show you how to get your sh*t together to start publishing daily and leverage the $100,000 Online Writing System to its fullest potential. What if I don’t have the time?The system only requires 30 minutes a day.If you don’t have 30 minutes a day then you could either find 30 minutes or make some time on the weekends. If this sounds too much of a commitment, then I’m not sure if you should be even reading this page… Because it means that creating content and growing your business is not one of your top priorities.JOIN TODAY

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