Same Day Sales by Steph Crowder

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​Steph Crowder – writer & coachBlogPodcastWork with me SAME DAY SALESA Year-Long Sales Training & Coaching Program Learn the Skill of Getting a Customer in 24 Hours – Even If You’re a Total BeginnerOut of all the skills you must learn as a business owner, there is one you need more than any other.And that isHOW TO SELLThis program will teach you to get clients & customers any time you want them. ENROLL NOWsteph-hero-chair.jpgLet’s hear it for the creatives, freelancers, entrepreneurs & wantrepreneurs who…  Really want to make this “business thing” work, but the demands of full-time jobs, kids & life in general makes it HARD to see consistent progress. Are throwing spaghetti at the wall while actually craving simplicity & success.  Have SO many ideas & would love some focus and accountability to get real traction. Consider themselves at the “beginning” of their entrepreneurial journey (you probably have earned $0-$25K in your business in the last 6 months).KNOW they need to up their sales game, but fear they’re “just not good at selling”. You might not realize this, or maybe you do….But the answer to your problems isn’t another idea,improving your websiteor re-working your messaging for the thousandth time. It’s learning how to sellas an more specifically, it’s learning how to sell something ANY TIME you want a customer.This is a skill that will never stop being important in your toolbelt – and not having this skill will prevent you from ever getting to the sustainable sales strategies you’re dreaming about.Steph background photos.pngI’ve got some news, and this could be hard to hear:  Digital courses and “passive income” are NOT coming to fix you & your business. If you do not know how to SELL, you will never have the business you dream of.  Before you can SCALE, you must first know how to SELL.Now here’s the fantastic news: Selling does not have to suck, and it certainly doesn’t have to feel sleazy. Selling can simply feel like COLLABORATING. Selling can feel like providing your most ideal customer with a solution they’ve been desperately seeking.     They’ve thrown away dollar after dollar trying to fix it.     They’re starting to lose hope – and they’re about to give up. That’s where you come in….But you won’t be able to help anyone if you’re so busy convincing yourself you’re not ready yet. You’re ready to sell and you can be taught.You don’t suck at selling – you just never learned how. Let’s work on that together. bg-steph-yellow-shadow.pngInside Same Day Sales, a 12-month selling “safe space” created by a seasoned Sales Trainer & Business Coach, you will learn to get really good at getting a customer anytime you want one. In fact, you will know exactly what to do in order to make a sale in 24 hours or less – anytime you desire. ENOUGH tinkering with your website. No more research or “preparing to prepare”. We’re done playing business. It’s time to make consistent money helping your ideal people. Let’s go. What’s Included in Same Day Sales? I am on a mission to create the best sales training & coaching program that exists for beginner stage online entrepreneurs. Here’s how we’re doing it:ONEStep-By-Step Sales Training Curriculum for Entrepreneurs – Even (& Especially) Complete & Total Beginners Rooted in sales psychology, this 5 piece Sales Training curriculum will help you learn the skills you need to become a Scrappy Selling Master.twoCustomizable Scripts, Templates, “What Do I Say Now??” Objection Library I get it – often, half the battle is just figuring out what the heck to SAY in a sales scenario without feeling completely out of integrity, fake or a swindler. Inside Same Day Sales, you will receive sales “talk tracks” to help you have a concrete jumping off point when you talk to real prospects. Having a sales-psychology-backed template to start with and make your own is KEY to demystifying the art & science of selling well. You will also get access to the Objection Library, so any time your prospects hit you with a stumper you can get to the bottom of their actual question and move them through the sales process in an ethical, loving way. THREEMonthly Group Coaching Calls with Steph CrowderEvery month you will have the opportunity to get coached by Steph on these group coaching calls. If you can’t come live it’s no problem – catch the replay and even listen to it on the go with our clients-only private podcast. FOURCoach-Led Private CommunityGet coaching in the moment when you need it! Our private community will keep you moving forward & will help you connect with like-minded entrepreneurs.FIVE12 Months Access to Sales Training & CoachingYep, for real – a whole year together. Same Day Sales is unlike is THE Sales Training Program for online entrepreneurs – and it’s unlike anything else out there. This 12 month coaching & training incubator is designed specifically for online entrepreneurs. These methods are rooted in sales psychology & buyer behavior, implementing strategies typically taught at Fortune 500 companies and Tech Start-Ups. It might feel like every sales conversation is unique, and therefore cannot be condensed into a repeatable process. But that’s 100% false.After studying tens of thousands of sales conversations, we’ve come up with a 4 Step Process that EVERY conversation follows. Instead of feeling at the mercy of what the client says, you can crack the code & uncover the pattern of sales – making your sales conversations predictable. In Same Day Sales, you’re in the driver’s seat of your sales conversations because you know what’s coming next & exactly how to handle it. bg-blue-1.pngWHAT MAKES THIS PROGRAM SO SPECIAL?The Anatomy of SalesWe break sales conversations down from start to finish, so you understand every step regardless of the individual conversation.  “What to say” talk tracks & scriptsWe provide screenshots and examples of REAL sales conversations you can replicate, model & customize to make your own.A repeatable process for getting customers, anytimeCash injections are just 4 steps away with the Same Day Sales process. You will know exactly what you to do any time you want more revenue in your business.Coaching is ALWAYS availableOn live calls and in written format, Steph & her experienced sales coaching team are standing by to provide feedback, troubleshoot & celebrate your sales wins.     “Seriously, this is so comprehensive. This is the dream program everyone wants to be in.”     – Melissa B. bg-blue-1.pngThe Same Day Sales Training Curriculum Module 1: ConfidenceBuild your Entrepreneurial Confidence & Establish Your Sales HygieneFirst you need to cultivate the identity of an excellent salesperson who serves their community with integrity. Even if you think you are the WORST salesperson on Earth, you can learn how to connect ideal customers with the solution they very much want. Module 2: Clarity Identify Your Idea– Find the Offer that Will Fly Off the Shelves What do people actually want? What should you even sell? How many offers should you have? All of these questions and more are answered in Module 2. You’ll leave with the offer clarity you really need to sell like a pro.  Module 3: Customers Locate Leads– WHO Will Buy? You can have ideas all day long, but where are the PEOPLE coming from? Steph is the Queen of Scrappy Selling and will show you how to dredge up interested buyers even if your market is teeny tiny. Use our special selling templates to get things in motion!Module 4: Co-Creation Understand Exactly What They Want – Then Give it To ThemCo-Creation is the key that unlocks this whole process. This is a simplified way to sell and FLOP-PROOF your offers. No more crickets when you go to sell. In fact, my client Jamison just did this for the first time a few days ago and was STUNNED: “SO here we are! I have my first person signed up and I haven’t even developed the program! HAHA Feeling all the good feels over here!” – Jamison W. Module 5: Cultivate (Community & Cash) Tweak, Refine & GROW Your Audience & Your Buyer Base Once you get a bit of traction, it’s time to turn the volume up on everything & GROW. We will use my proven strategies for getting you in front of NEW eyeballs, growing your reach so you can rinse & repeat your new simplified scrappy selling process.  Your First 30 Days in Same Day SalesWhen you join Same Day Sales, you’ve got 12 entire months of coaching, training, sales scripts, templates & feedback waiting for you. There’s an entire year to master the art of making a sale in just 24 hours. Even with all that time, you will do SO much in the first month alone. bg-blue-bright.pngHere’s your 30 day roadmap if you want to hit the ground running: Instantly shift from seeing sales as “scammy & sleazy” to connection, invitation-based consulting. You can stop hating sales right away. Uncover your best, easiest to sell cash injection offer in just 1 sitting Use our copy & paste process to bring out warm leads & start talking to them Strengthen your offer with customer feedback (yes, people will ACTUALLY talk back to you when you try to start convos!) Make sales using conversations – you do NOT need sales pages, flashy email campaigns, social media posts or endless shouting into the void to get quick sales!bg-light-1.pngA recap of what’s included:     Same Day Sales Curriculum (5 Modules, Bite-Sized Lessons)    Templates, Handouts, Talk Tracks & Objection Handling Library     Monthly Deep-Dive Group Coaching Calls     Private, Coach-Led Community for Feedback & Support     12 months access to all materials, coaching & communityTHE INVESTMENTThe Same Day Sales experience is $1500. You can pay in full or take advantage of the payment plan for just $500 / month.Doors are CLOSING on June 14 – you can get started RIGHT AWAY!SIGN UP NOWbg-blue-1.pngFAQsWhen do we start? Your year in Same Day Sales starts as soon as you sign up! All of the curriculum, scripts, templates, examples & trainings are waiting for you to dive in and get going at your own pace. We will have a Kickoff Call to help you get settled and get started with a bang. It’s summer – what if I’m busy, I’m a mom, I don’t have 10 hours a week to dedicate to this? I hear you – summer is NUTS! That’s actually exactly why you need Same Day Sales NOW. I’m a mom too, and I know firsthand that if you don’t intentionally choose support & help, you’re simply pushing your problems to the Fall. You need to be making money the easy way this summer so you aren’t freaking out in the Fall. You could be bringing customers in the Same Day Sales way and still have plenty of time to enjoy the pool, the beach or your 800th episode of Bluey. Your sales problems do not care if it’s Summer. You do not need a lot of time to solve this problem. We’ve given you a year in the program so you can slow down when you need to. But you will seriously regret allowing your sales to come to a screeching halt. Keep making progress with us, even if you have VERY limited time. Can I join this program later next year? Probably! I do have plans to launch the program in the future. At some point the price will go up – THIS IS THE LOWEST PRICE you will ever see for this program. And honestly, why wait to make money? If the idea of getting customers now is appealing to you, I wouldn’t recommend waiting.It’s a bit of a chicken or the egg, is it not? You need more money to work with me, but this program teaches you to make money with sales skills.Please honor your financial situation and do not put undue financial strain on yourself in order to join. Only you know what that means for you.And also, know that the aim of this program is to teach you to make a sale in 24 hours whenever you want one. This program is truly designed to help entrepreneurs do the most important thing they can do: make money. Maybe I should wait to be making more money to work with you…About Steph Crowder Hey, I’m Steph – a Sales & Business Coach of 14 years, a Certified Life Coach, a mom of two amazing neurodivergent kiddos & a lover of romantasy novels. At age 16 I served as Director of Sales Training at Groupon for all of North America. After becoming a top sales rep myself, I became a sales trainer when we were bringing on 50+ new employees every week. I helped develop a sales process based on sales psychology that was so effective, I got to go help roll it out in Europe! I’ve been a business coach for entrepreneurs since 2015. I got my start in coaching at Fizzle, a membership site for entrepreneurs where I coached thousands of people across every industry imaginable. I’ve also generated 7 figures in my own business with coaching & courses. bg-light-1.png “You bring an expansive, open-hearted, listening-presence to my work and ways of working. Moreover, the discipline and dedication you demonstrate for everyone’s projects & work is truly inspiring. I always leave our sessions fired up and ready to take the next steps thanks to your coaching and training. It feels like I’m not alone and can genuinely make progress.The most impactful aspect, I’d say, is the consistent attitude, honesty, and presence you bring to each session. The lessons and training are excellent, but what’s truly inspiring is your radiant example as a business owner who balances professional demands with family and life obligations. I’ve recommended you as a coach for your exceptional listening skills, open-ended questions, and your honest yet kind-hearted approach. Your coaching focuses on mindset and personal growth, simplifying complex concepts into manageable daily, weekly, or monthly steps. You’re both supportive and forward-thinking Coach Steph!” – Mark“Steph gave me permission to not have to market myself all the time. I no longer feel I have to prove myself on social media, and could focus on smarter communication (no dancing!) Now I enjoy my work and have people knocking on MY door, so I’m getting even more clients. This new mindset has freed me up to be a better coach and focus on THEM (my clients!) ” — Dianne“Working with Steph has given me permission to go after my dreams again! I had all the ideas and motivation to get going but I felt stuck.  Within 20 minutes of our 1st session I felt like the fog was lifted from my brain! What I love about our sessions is the personal attention & quick feedback.  When I’m not clear or sure where to begin, she takes the puzzle pieces of my business and sits down and helps me put them together. Within the 1st month of working together I went from stuck to working with my 1st client! With a sea of information at our fingertips Steph is the go to source to get you out of overwhelm and into action!!!”— Kim“Steph approaches her coaching with a great mix of helping you see your own brain AND taking massive action. She doesn’t let you get caught up in the drama – she challenges your thinking and pushes you to get uncomfortable. She’s driven to create results – and will push you do the same! She also is so willing to share exactly what she does in her business so you don’t have to start from scratch – you can simply make it your own. It’s so helpful! Working with Steph means you aren’t alone, you learn powerful concepts, you gain strategies to immediately implement, you hear it like it is and you get incredible support.” – Angie“Steph’s methods are the only methods you need.”– AmandaWorking with Steph gave me the confidence and motivation to keep going in business and keep making continuous progress. She has a rare talent for: 1. helping you figure out what is the best, most strategic next step to take and 2. for writing and/or improving your copy to make it compelling, while staying true to your message and who you are. If I hadn’t worked with Steph, I wouldn’t be where I am today!— Melindabg-blue-1.pngSame Day Sales might be for you if you are a business owner who:    Is ready to roll up your sleeves & make real MONEY at this thing.    Wants to grow your audience, grow your customer base & grow your business.    Is ready to start earning more than $25k in the next 6 months.    Wants to learn the skill of getting a SALE in 24 hours any time you want one.     Wants to figure out what to sell, who to sell it to and how to find more of those people.Same Day Sales is definitely NOT a fit for you if:    You just want someone to “fix everything”.   You want someone to review  your copy, funnels etc.   You want a coach who will smile & nod all the time.  You are more interested in being right than you are in fixing what’s not working.   You feel you need 1:1 attention to get results.Sign up for Same Days Sales!GET STARTED NOWbg-blue-bright.pngIf you’d like to chat with me to answer any questions you have,I’d love to hear from you!DM me on Instagram (@heystephcrowder)OR email the team ([email protected]).I’m wishing you an AMAZING year ahead!

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