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Connect With My Higher Guidance by
Developing My Claircognizance
Validate my experiences of knowing without knowing how or why I know, I just know!
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Enrollment is Open. Limited Spaces. Classes Start Oct 2022. Enter Details for a Class Invite.
Knowing yourself as spirit is the gateway to living your life purpose and receiving your answers.
Your knowingness provides access to information, so you can know what you need to know when you need to know it. You can tune into your higher knowing, using your clear knowing - a psychic ability called claircognizance.
You were always asking questions as a child. You were your families' little know-it-all. Sometimes you knew things they preferred you didn’t. They shut you down, and told you to mind your own business.
You have issues with authority and struggle with self-doubt, uncertainty, and give your power away to others. You feel unworthy because in the past when you let your light shine it was unappreciated.
Alternatively, you may impose your knowing on others, and be indiscriminate about the information you share. Sharing all you know all the time, and not allowing space for others authentic knowing.
You can be indecisive and doubtful, especially if you have a history of being invalidated. Making it easy for others to manipulate and control you. If you weren't the victim, you may have been the bully.
Because of your powerful knowing, you may believe others should always follow your direction. It's hard to let other people figure things out. It's frustrating when they don't get it.
Being smarter makes you feel special, or different. You can get lost in ideas that aren't relevant to this reality, leaving you vulnerable to being called crazy, a conspiracy theorist, or ridiculed.
Claircognizance Development Course
The Claircognizance Development Course helps you master your gift of clear knowing. You receive tools to connect with your higher consciousness and divine source energy. As well as guided meditations to clear negative beliefs and foreign energy. You will learn to tune into your psychic sense of knowing, and focus it in a way that makes sense in the here and now. It is a 10 week online course with live sessions, recorded content, and written support materials.
What You’ll Get When You Sign Up
Access to all the course materials. Begin immediately. The course takes 3 months. Once you have mastered the techniques in the Practical Meditation Bonus Course, you can start Module 1 of this course. Then attend your first live Q&A to share your experiences, receive help and ask questions. You will master your higher knowing, own and protect your energy, develop your seventh chakra and its psychic gift of claircognizance.
Lessons and Meditations
Psychic development occurs through experience and practice. You will learn concepts, and information through prerecorded lessons. Then practice specific energy techniques by listening to guided meditations. These energy tools are ancient mystery teachings proven to stimulate your psychic senses. You will also use them to change your beliefs, release your blocks and shift your reality. Each module includes a main teaching, with guided meditations to support your growth. You are required to meditate daily to anchor the teachings and continue to change your energy.
Live Teaching
The optional weekly live group sessions give you the opportunity to interact with the teacher. You can ask questions, receive help, share your progress and learn from other students experiences. The groups are small, intimate and safe. They begin and end with a short meditation. Impromptu teachings are delivered to address what arises in the moment. Unlike other courses the focus is on you. If you get stuck you receive assistance to ensure your success. The live sessions last for 60 minutes, sometimes longer. They are recorded and posted in the course console for you to review.
Course Materials
his course includes 10 modules with practical training exercises and guided meditations to unblock, activate and practice your claircognizance. There are PDF instructions and exercise sheets. As well as audio-video meditations designed to support your growth and shift your consciousness. Course materials are in multiple formats, such as videos of main teachings, and downloadable audio files so you can listen from any device, anywhere you wish.
Community Support
You will be supported to use what you learn and are encouraged to have a daily meditation practice, while taking the course. You get access to the course for longer than the two month intensive, so you can study beyond the course timeline. As well as a Private Facebook Group for course students, where you can post inspirations, revelations and questions that come up in between the live sessions. There is also an optional bonus Buddy System. You can request pairing with another student so you can provide accountability, support and encouragement for one another.
What people are saying about the course
No matter where you sit on the spiritual spectrum, this course can help you experience profound inner transformation. All the students experience their psychic abilities. They also say it has changed their life for the better in the most remarkable ways!
Lori McNaughton
Studied at Her Own Pace
I enjoyed the course. I liked going at my own pace., though I need to repeat the modules because I think initially I went through it too fast. It does take practice., but if you are at all interested in exploring your own intuition an learning more about yourself and how easy life can be, I really encourage you to try it I don’t think you’d be disappointed and one of the best parts was our group – we helped each other, learned from each other – there was no judgment it really was a great experience
Beth P
Unbelievable Value
This course literally blew my mind! Dr. Lesley not only has incredible psychic gifts, she also has formal training, and this course contains more information than I could have imagined. In taking this course I achieved my goal of tapping into my inner knowing on a daily basis, but I also came away with a variety of advanced methods of getting information. There are so many valuable meditations in this course that Dr. Lesley could easily charge ten times what she is charging. This course is simply amazing.
Courtney Wells
Grateful for the Support
I am very grateful to have signed up and been part of something so unique, beneficial and real! The one on one mentoring sessions with Dr. Lesley, were nothing short of life altering, with her keen and well advanced intuition going right to the heart of the matter in a kind, caring, non-judgmental way. ON TOP OF ALL THIS, I think what I will really take away and like knowing the most, is the real life, everyday abilities I have learned to create a life in line with my highest good! Many thanks Dr. Lesley for being a truly gifted and genuine article in this world...
Here's what’s in the course
10 steps to transcend emotional overwhelm by developing your psychic gift of clear knowing!
Module 1: Introduction to Claircognizance
This gift helps you tune into your higher knowing. Claircognizance (clear knowing), is the ability to be still and know yourself, your spiritual information, and insights relevant to your everyday life. If you ever experienced inexplicable certainty, then you experienced this ability. It’s when you instantly know something beyond logic. To master your knowingness means you must overcome your doubt and uncertainty.
Discover your claircognizance set point
Learn the benefits of knowingness
Set your goals for developing your claircognizance
Module 2: Seventh Chakra and its Growth Cycles
If you have an unbalanced seventh chakra you may live your life unconsciously or be possessed by energies and beliefs that are not yours. This leads to misconceptions, frustration, and unrealized potential. When this chakra awakens, you may be amazed at how much you know, and lose yourself in the enormity of what is or impose information on others. Mastery of the seventh chakra involves transcending these challenges.
Review past time challenges.
Present time your seventh chakra.
Remove foreign energy from your crown
Module 3: Heal Your Seventh Chakra
A healed seventh chakra will allow you to effortlessly tune into your higher knowing. A distorted seventh chakra may result in mental health issues, such as paranoia, bipolarity, megalomania, or even a guru complex. As the seventh chakra allows direct connection to the divine, having a balanced seventh chakra will help you know who you are and why you are here. It can help you understand your life challenges and your purpose, and provide guidance as you progress along your life journey.
Get in present time.
Balance your seventh chakra.
Clear foreign energy from your space
Module 4: Clear Interference to Claircognizance
The seventh chakra is the master chakra. It receives and translates information from cosmic consciousness. When it is unbalanced, you may operate from information that isn’t yours or doesn’t make sense in present time, or you may inappropriately impose your perspective on others. Used correctly it channels your ability to know everything you need to know to fulfill your purpose, and to bring your energy into the body so that you can make the most of your Earth journey.
Identify and clear your blocks.
Use energy tools to remove doubt.
Clear limiting beliefs and programming from others.
Module 5: Tune Into Your Claircognizance
Claircognizance refers to your ability to experience your divine wisdom. It allows you to enter a state of stillness where you can instantly know your spiritual information. When you use your knowingness, you clearly know without needing any supporting, external information, logic, or reason. You just know it without a shadow of a doubt. Your brain is more limited than your knowingness. It stores information just from your current lifetime like a computer. However, a broader repository of eternal wisdom can be accessed using your knowingness.
Use your inner knowing to know anything you want.
Know answers to pressing questions in an instant.
Experience a state of pure being.
Module 6: Talk to Your Higher Self
If you know things, when there’s no rhyme or reason for it, no logic, no information you can point to, you are using your knowingness. In this module you will communicate with your higher consciousness through your crown. You will gain clarity, and access your own unique information. You are a stream of eternal consciousness. You might have had thousands of bodies and millennia of learning on Earth and in other realities. Everything you learned is available to you now through your knowingness.
Access your unique information
Communicate with your higher being
Validate your unique sense of knowing
Module 7 - Communicate With Divine Source Energy
By taking charge of your seventh chakra, you can consciously direct your life from your higher consciousness. You can communicate with Divine Source and receive guidance and answers to your questions. In this module you will develop your unique relationship with your Divine Source. You will be guided to experience bliss and benevolence of Divine Source Energy, so you can trust and allow yourself to recieve higher guidance, and be supported.
Learn how to consciously connect with divine guidance.
Have clear communication with Source and the spiritual realm.
Expand your multi-dimensional awareness of self.
Module 8: Claircognizance and Psychic Readings
Everyone is unique and can access their own information. Information that is appropriate for you may not resonate with others and vice versa. Learn how to access information that is correct for you, as well as channel what will resonate for others. When you become aware of how much you know, it can be difficult not to impose on others. Learn to stand back and allow others to grow at their own pace. Each human is unique and has a unique perspective. When we accept ourselves and others as we are, we allow everyone the space to evolve.
Choose when you tune into your cosmic consciousness.
Recognize insights from your inner knowing for yourself.
Understand how to adapt your knowing so it can benefit others.
Module 9: Claircognizance and Guides
Your crown chakra is the gateway to higher consciousness. You can use your crown chakra to connect with your spiritual support team. This includes guides, angels, devas, and ascended masters, who can assist in your psychic development and spiritual evolvement. The universe is teaming with evolved beings who transcended our current stage of limitation eons ago. They love to share information to make your journey smoother. You can also talk to Gaia, the spirit of mother Earth for information on how to balance your energy and more.
Get to know your spirit guides.
Communicate with many star beings.
Connect with the spirits of mother Earth.
Module 10: Apply Claircognizance to Your Life
Determine your path and plan your future in this penultimate module. Others are mirrors for your beliefs and life experiences. A “Knowledgeable Sage” uses these reflections as a tool for self-mastery and growth. By learning from others, you can become a powerful agent of transformation capable of healing yourself and helping others. You will create a road map to continue your psychic development journey, integrate your learning into everyday life and accelerate your evolution.
Validate your growth
Learn to process matching experiences
Tap into your higher purpose and guide your life direction
Bonus Module: Discussion Videos
We are all mirrors for one another. You can accelerate your growth when you are exposed to other people's transformation process. Learn from other students who have taken the course as they share stories of their challenges and growth. Listen and clear your matching experiences as the teacher answers their questions, instructs them in energy techniques and assists them to work through their blocks.
Continue to transform
Process matching experiences
Practice reading others
You can also access these amazing gifts!
Your complimentary bonus materials include the Practical Meditation Course which teaches you 5 powerful techniques that are prerequisites for your claircognizance development journey. Plus you get a Bonus Module with hours of additional teachings based on prior students questions. You can also opt into these three amazing high value bonuses.
Bonus 1
Buddy System
Some students do better when held accountable to stay committed to the course. You can request to pair with another course participant so you can provide accountability, support and encouragement for one another.
Buddies can share their personal growth goals, discuss content, practice exercises, and exchange stories. It's chance to make a new intuitive friend along your psychic development journey.
Buddies are assigned based on the best match. They are optional. If you prefer to work alone you need not participate.
Bonus 2
Live Q&A Sessions
Attend live sessions where you get to ask questions and receive support from the teacher. Plus you benefit from other students sharing their questions and experiences, and your growth is amplified.
Many students say this is the most valuable part of the course. It answers so many questions, and provides additional energy techniques and meditations to clear your blocks and open your gift.
This is the gift that keeps on giving, It will help you achieve even more than what is outlined in the course curriculum.
Bonus 3
Breakthrough Sessions
Breakthrough sessions are 1:1 sessions with the teacher for feedback, monitoring, help getting unstuck and for in depth assessment and healing work.
Some students prefer to keep some issues private and discuss them only with the teacher. Some challenges take longer to deal with than is available in the live group sessions. Or students want to check in to see how they are doing or get some more intensive mentoring.
Sessions are 30 min long, and up to 2 are included in packages where offered.
Bonus course
The Practical Meditation is a powerful intuition development kit included for all students taking the Claircognizance Development Course. It provides a foundation of essential techniques. It includes exercises and guided meditations to increase awareness, activate your intuition and clear your energy. If you are new to these practices, it is advised you do 4 weeks daily practice to prepare for the main course. If you are an Unlock Your Intuition graduate they serve as a handy refresher. The Practical Meditation Course empowers you to proceed safely with your claircognizance development journey.
About The Course Teacher,
Rev. Dr. Lesley Phillips
Lesley Phillips Ph.D. helps people access their psychic gifts. She can help you transcend your limits and let go of what blocks you from your purpose. She has offered intuitive sessions since 1996 and taught classes in intuition development since 2003. Dr. Lesley is the author of several books. She is a certified spiritual counselor. meditation teacher; and has a B.Sc. and Ph.D. in biology.
Dr Lesley's purpose is to help awakening humans activate and use their intuition so they can reach full potential as awakened humans.
Here’s what people are saying about the course instructor
Dr. Lesley has extensive experience training thousands to develop their psychic abilities and meet their goals for personal healing and helping others. Here's a few people whose lives have been changed.
Val F.
High Caliber Teacher
Dr. Lesley is of the highest caliber. She was completely in sync with my struggles and able to offer me direction to help me stay in line with my spiritual path. She is a wonderful, professional and attentive spiritual adviser and I do recommend her.
Elaine Cheung
Practical Tools Without BS
Dr. Lesley knows her stuff. She teaches you tools which are useful and practical to use in everyday situations. Her courses are filled with lots of good information without any BS. I would highly recommend everyone attend.
Stephanie Duffey
Great Course Preparation
Dr Lesley's course preparation and framework of delivery far exceeds any other program that I have taken. The added bonus is that she is able to see where and why we may be stuck and offer a helping hand to help us out.
Tiana Jeffries
Gained Practical Understanding
This course helped me to understand more about claircognizance and how to control it and tap into it when I need to. The course has good quality and helpful reading material. I liked the practical exercises to follow with instructions and structure.
Valuable Teachings You Can Benefit From For Life!
Knowledgable Sage Claircognizance Development Course is affordable with a lifetime value beyond your initial financial investment. You receive energy tools, you can use for the rest of your life, in all aspects of life. You learn how to access your claircognizance when you wish, and how to maintain your new found clarity.
You will heal yourself and make shifts in your energy you never thought possible that will change the trajectory of your life. Taking this course will ensure you create a better future as your reality shifts to match the new clearer version of you!
This course package includes over 3 months of teaching support that would cost over $4,500 if done by private coaching. Many students have commented that they recouped the full value of their investment, many times over because they shifted old emotional patterns that had previously blocked a happy fulfilling life
Equivalent courses from famous intuition teachers cost over US $6,000. Graduates, who have taken these expensive courses, say they learned much more from School of Intuition Courses! What's more the expensive courses were self-study and they received zero direct help from the course teacher.
Direct exposure to the teacher means the drop out rate from Claircognizance Development Course is 0%. The drop out rate for other online courses is 80% because when students get stuck they don't receive help. This course includes a live teaching option, and a self-study option for the budget conscious.
One year later, most students are not implementing what they learned from an on-line course. Knowledgeable Sage graduates continue to use the techniques because they are tools for living a better life as well as psychic development.
One Time Payment
instalLment plan
Simple affordable self-study option
1 Year Access
Immediate Start
Access to All 10 x Modules
Private Facebook Group
Practical Meditation Course
Bonus Discussion Videos
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REGULAR course
Special feature package - live support option
Lifetime Access
Immediate Start
Access to All 10 x Modules
Private Facebook Group
Practical Meditation Course
Bonus Discussion Videos
Buddy System
10 x Live Q&A Sessions
2 x 30 mins personal coaching
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course Bundle
Includes Pre-Requisite and Regular Course
Claircognizance Course (value $999)
Unlock Your Intuition (value $999)
Unlock Your Intuition (UYI) is a pre-requisite. Save $200 - get 10% off $1,998 at the checkout with coupon code bbb10go.
Contact Dr. Lesley if you have questions.
Enroll Now
Enrollment is Open. Limited Spaces. Classes Start Oct 2022. Enter Details for a Class Invite.
100% Satisfaction Guarantee for 30-Days
Claircognizance Development Course has a 30 day money back guarantee. This allows you to experience a significant portion of the course at zero risk. If you find it isn't for you, you can claim your refund, so long as you request it no more than 30 days after you signed up. This guarantee is valid if you have taken the recommended pre-requisite course Unlock Your Intuition first. Or if you obtained permission from Dr. Lesley to take the course without the pre-requisite.
Don’t wait! Look at what past students have to say about this course
Nancy Norvell
Found What She Was Looking For
I would recommend Dr. Lesley's courses to anyone seeking understanding and improvement of their gift of intuition. I knew that I had intuition and it helped me out in the past but I didn't really understand what it was and how I could develop it further to become the person I've always wanted to be. Through Lesley's easy to follow and to understand (that's important) instructions I'm finally getting it. I've read many books and listened to many podcasts, looking for what I've found here, that were good but did not give me the specifics of how it works and simple instructions on how to do it. I am grateful that I found this course.
Mary Beth Abruzzo
Harnessed Energy to Access Her Consciousness
Dr. Lesley Phillips provided easy, effective techniques and the necessary tools that showed me how to release what is unnecessary while allowing me how to harness my energy so that I may access my consciousness. The calm, clarity and focus I experienced was immediate and that was just the beginning! This course was life changing! I cannot thank you enough!
Candace Partland
Felt Supported to Overcome Challenges
Dr. Lesley's courses are a delicately designed balance of individual meditation assignments blended with weekly classroom teachings. Dr. Lesley assists with navigating challenges to uncover the gifts behind each challenge that we face in life. Most significantly, there is a group of people in the classroom to safely share with, who will support you and provide their own sense of guidance which provides an extra layer of support throughout the course. I recommend any of Dr. Lesley's courses to support your true potential, giving you something special at the end that only participating in the course would otherwise provide.
Frequently Asked Questions
How will my life change?
What is the dollar cost?
Can I implement?
What is my time investment?
Will I implement?
What is my risk?
How do I participate in the Buddy System?
What is the return on my investment?
How do I schedule my breakthrough sessions?
When will I see a return on my investment?
Is the Buddy System Compulsory?
Is the Facebook Group Compulsory?
Where is the course hosted?
How do I join the live sessions?
One Time Payment
instalLment plan
Simple affordable self-study option
1 Year Access
Immediate Start
Access to All 10 x Modules
Private Facebook Group
Practical Meditation Course
Bonus Discussion Videos
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REGULAR course
Special feature package - live support option
Lifetime Access
Immediate Start
Access to All 10 x Modules
Private Facebook Group
Practical Meditation Course
Bonus Discussion Videos
Buddy System
10 x Live Q&A Sessions
2 x 30 mins personal coaching
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