Brand Your Passions by Carolin Soldo

Brand Your Passions by Carolin Soldo

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Old Price: $99.90

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Brand Your Passions by Carolin Soldo Download

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The Exclusive Hybrid Program™ designed to Catapult Passion-Based Coaches from their Dreamy Vision to Owning a Booming Online Empire in just 4 months!
You want (so badly) to be
“that coach”

You know the one, right?

…with a roster full of paying clients (begging to simply work with you)

You’ve done
looking for the insider’s guide to internet marketing, right?

You’ve put in the work and you know your subject inside-out.

And, you’ve overcome your biggest struggles (in health or life so now you’re a living testament of success).

But let’s face it

You’ve Got No Clients

And now you’re wondering… "Can I even call myself a Coach?"
Now What will You Do?

You could give up on your dream and go back to working at your soulsucking desk job.

You could get down on your knees hoping someone hears you and grants your biz wishes (then magically turns you into the super-life/health/business coach you have always dreamt of becoming)….

You could forget about ever going full-time with your coaching biz and just admit that this here is just a hobby.

You could start making real money.
Create a brand you love with a roster full of dream clients,
Have a business that gives you the financial stability to enjoy the luxuries you love.
take a Deep Breath...

X You don’t have to give up when you're this close to your dreams

X You can stop worrying, stop stressing, and stop sweating about your future.
I'm CAROLIN SOLDO and I’m here to make sure that the only time you sweat from here on is during your epic gym sessions!

As a multi-7-figure Online Business Coach with an MBA and over 8 years of experience in the coaching industry, I help new passion-based coaches build thriving coaching practices by getting their message out in the world in a big way.

I know what you’re going through right now.

When I first launched my health coaching business I had a vision of helping people, being of service, and creating a free lifestyle where I could make more money and have more freedom.

But, the truth is, once I got my coaching certification

I had no idea…
● where to start
● what to sell, or
● how to create coaching packages

Yes, I made great money in my day job - (well over $100k)

Yes I’d worked hard and was at the top of my corporate marketing career.

Yes I was in charge of my department with a big budget and staff working under me
All the while I was stuck in a day job where I simply wasn't making a difference.

On my down-time I was doing a lot to build my biz, but none of the programs I invested in really fit together.

So, in the end I actually spent over $22k to learn everything I know about building a successful online brand!

I had no real power in my job, and I was helping someone else fulfill their dreams. And staying there in that job - well, it left me feeling completely empty.

So, I buckled down, did the research, and put in the work. I took more courses than I can even count and suddenly it started to click. I finally had all the secrets that your favorite life and health coaches are using to consistently achieve success.
Fast Forward To Today


Make my own schedule (2-hour long lunch breaks with my girlfriend, my kids’ hockey game at 4pm, and piano lessons at 6, yes please!) ...

Workout whenever I want to...and wear my workout clothes whenever I want to, even to coach clients (heck yeah!)

Enjoy time with my two active boys who need their mama more than anything

Travel to gorgeous places I used to only stare at longingly on Pinterest

And, enjoy romance, spontaneous get-aways, and luxurious dinner dates with my love.


Well, that’s easy! I believe in the message you’re so passionate about, and I want to see you experience your dream!

… to get out of bed each day with enthusiasm for the career you’ve created
… to enjoy the freedom that comes from running a successful online coaching business
… and to feel the difference in ALL areas of your life as your confidence and income grow
“My 3rd paid-in-full client!”

YAHOOOOOOO!!! I’m celebrating signing my 3rd program enrolled client today at my highest price quote yet for $4500 PAID IN FULL!! I’ve been jumping up and down, screaming in delight and I am shaking right now!

Technically, if my coaching revenue this month was consistent for the rest of the year I’d hit a SIX figure income and I haven’t even launched my FB ad yet! And it’s only January 11th!

This is a true testament to the power of BYP, and the amazing growth I’ve personally experienced in addition to learning the client funnel, because I haven’t even set it into place yet.

Morningstar Ramsey
Most new coaches imagine it’ll be easier than it really is to get clients and make money using the DIY route.

So, they make it harder than it needs to be by approaching their business as more of a hobby (without even realizing it).

Here’s the thing: their mindset is holding them back! When an opportunity to step up comes their way they start thinking…
“This won’t work for me…”
“I’m not confident enough to start…”
“I’m not an internet celebrity…”

Luckily that's NOT you! You're not just another cookie-cutter health or life coach.
You've got your certification and have learned some basics of setting up your business, and now you’re ready to setup your business and online empire!
It’s your turn!

I don’t want you to keep throwing money away and keep suffering like I did.

So I’ve put together

"My heart is so full of gratitude to this amazing team of women it’s difficult to know where to begin."

I thought I was signing up for a program to learn how to finally get my online coaching business going, and that was accomplished far beyond anything I could have imagined. But so much more than that, the personal growth, being stretched beyond what I believed I was capable of, learning, facing myself head on when I wanted to give up.

Antoinette Ryba

is the Exclusive HYBRID PROGRAM™ designed to take New Coaches from their Dreamy Vision to Successful Online Empire in 4 months - flat.

> Start making real money working with real clients so you can finally feel comfortable calling yourself a coach.

> Get crystal clear on your target market + discover what they really want.

> Create a stunning website that makes competition irrelevant.

> Discover how to tap into the art of coaching and hold powerful conversations with clients.

> Master the art of selling and booking Discovery Sessions in truckloads.

> Harness the power of social media to spread your message to the masses.

> Brand your Passions and learn how to design a Coaching Brand with a Powerful WOW Factor so that you can stand out online with ease and grace.

> Create your first 1:1 and HYBRID Coaching Package to attract dream clients and command premium prices while giving you full scalability.

> Discover how to become wildly visible online with advanced visibility strategies that work!

> Make a marketing funnel that attracts your ideal clients so they sign up for your high-end programs on auto-pilot.

> Confidently present your programs and selling like a high end coach.

> Master Facebook Ads to automate your marketing and attract new leads while you sleep.
What choose a Hybrid Program™?
We have pioneered and are the creators of this approach, because it's the ONLY way for New Coaches to get real results. It includes 1:1 coaching, access to a TEAM of coaches, group coaching calls, full email support, personalized reviews, and full video and workbook modules all in one.
Complete Online Curriculum

Weekly training modules for New Coaches including video and uniquely designed workbooks.

Access to Carolin’s complete Team of Coaches including Marketing Expert, Sales Expert, Mindset Expert, and Systems and Branding Expert.

Access to Carolin’s Business Systems and Structures including templates, scripts, and samples for everything you need from Welcome Packets, to Coaching Agreements, and Discovery Calls and Webinars.

TWO Weekly LIVE Group Q&A Coaching sessions where you will receive 1:1 coaching with Carolin and her team to address your unique goals and business including Facebook Ads, Mindset, Systems, and more.

A private and exclusive Facebook forum to connect with other highly driven coaches who are making a difference in the world.

Additional access to Carolin by posting your questions in your private Forum.

Networking and accountability opportunities.

3 Monthly 1:1 Coaching Calls with your Mindset and Success Coaches.

Full Email Access to Carolin and her team of experts for 4 months. Submit your questions directly to our team for personalized help.

Personalized content reviews. Our in-house copy team reviews your Sales Page, Webinar Slides, Opt in Page, Email Sequence and more.

You also get:

● Exclusive access to witness the private coaching of all group members to super-charge your own coaching skills & confidence.

● Private members portal where all live training and Q&A calls are uploaded for 24/7 access.
I created this Hybrid Program™ because it's the ONLY way for New coaches to get real results.

As a New Coach, you don't just need modules and videos. You need personalized reviews, 1:1 Coaching sessions with a personal success coach who knows you intimately, group Coaching Calls to learn from a full team of experts and your peers, and of course a large enough community to get support.

Don’t just take my word for it, look what members of my community have to say about working with me:

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I’m Giving You My All + Over-Delivering in

What's in it for you?

As soon as you enroll in Brand your Passions, you’re going be immersed in a community of like-minded Health, Life, and Business Coaches with one common goal: To make a big difference with their skills and create the business and life of freedom and abundance.
16 weekly Video Training Modules with Coach Carolin

The training videos give you step by step instruction on the exact methods you can use to monetize your Passions, create a thriving Coaching Business, and attract the perfect clients anytime you want.
A private Mastermind Group for the Ages

to Surround yourself with like-minded entrepreneurs who are on a similar journey.
Personal Reviews from our in-house Copy Team

You’ll receive personalized reviews of your Sales Pages, Opt In Pages, Email Sequences, and more from our trained in-house copy team! This is priceless and will save you thousands of dollars knowing you are creating marketing content that will work and sell!
My Technology Toolbox

A complete list of all technology platforms I use and recommend in my business from Scheduling Clients to having agreements signed online, to taking payments and hosting webinars. Kiss Tech-Overwhelm Goodbye!
16 unique Workbook PDF’s

Receive 16 weekly Workbooks to go along with your video training modules to give you the step by step instructions on how to build your Coaching Business every week.
1:1 access to ME and my team of experts

Access our team of experts 1:1 on the weekly Q&A Calls including Tara our Advertising Expert, Belinda our Mindset Expert, and of course Carolin herself! Receive personalized feedback and accountability from me and my powerhouse coaching team when you email us your questions. Know if you are on track to reach your goals and realize when you need to make changes so you can create the business you desire.
Lifetime access to the materials

Access the Online Membership Site for as long as you want to. Complimentary updates to the training material to ensure you always have the most up to date information to grow your business!
2 LIVE Q&A Coaching Calls per week (2 hours each, yes really!)

We’ll be there each step of the way so that you’re never left in the dark wondering what to do next.
“This program works.”

Today is my last day in BYP. I am so so grateful for every ounce of this program. I have to keep this short and sweet because I am in Atlanta with family for just a few short days. Heading over to see my 92 year old grand parents in moments. I learned so so much, and now have the confidence and skills to grow the kind of business I have always dreamed of. I have a solid sales funnel, have enrolled 3 clients this month, and know there are many more to come. I made more this month than I have ever made in one month in my life!!!!!

Ya’ll this program works. Soak up every moment you can in the program. Use the calls, and make the most of the amazing support you have. It is priceless.
Aimee Richmond Schrank
But that’s not all!
Oooh… honey, I bet you’re delighted by a beautiful set of BONUSES, aren't you?

Well your wish is my desire. I’m giving you these delights:

Exclusive Training + Access to the Best Experts in the Industry

($2500 Value)

I’ve built a team of power players who are giving their all to you in our exclusive masterclass series. And, they don’t just drop information and run, they’ll stay on the call or show up in our Facebook group to give you guidance and help you turn your passion into profits.

Accountability Calls
with Belinda Ginter

($5000 Value)

Each Brand Your Passions student receives 3 private calls with Belinda to tackle any mindset issues you might encounter, plus weekly LIVE group coaching during our Q & A calls.

Belinda Ginter is a Mindset Expert specializing in Emotional Kinesiologist with a 100-hour practicum completion in BET (Backman Emotional Technique) and is most well known for her ability to detect and remove negative past family programming at a subconscious level. She has a thriving private practice with thousands of clients worldwide, and is passionate about educating and empowering people to love the shit out of themselves by fully reclaiming and sustaining their personal power. She does this by reminding each and every one of them that they were born to be UNSTOPPABLE! She teaches her unique mindset tools that took her from a welfare mentality to a wealthy one. Using Emotional Kinesiology Belinda can locate and remove negative beliefs that may be blocking you to leave you feeling happier, healthier, wealthier, and more successful and open to all sorts of MAGIC.

Advertising Coaching
With Tara Zirker

($5000 Value)

Tara is the owner of Sunbeam Communications, a boutique lead generation agency that specializes in Facebook advertising, Google AdWords, and high-level strategy. With years in digital marketing for well-known entrepreneurs, New York Times bestselling authors, and established brands, her motto is to not do anything that can’t be measured. Tara is available on our weekly LIVE group coaching calls to answer all your advertising and marketing questions and to help fuel your lead generation and sales funnels.

Systems & Administrative Support from Jessica Spino

($5000 Value)

As Carolin's Business Support Manager, Jessica is passionate about helping her team achieve excellence through organization, system implementation and maintenance, and a proactive-problem solving approach. Jessica's background in communications, client relations, marketing, and project management has also given her the ability and experience to deliver superior personal service to Carolin's clients during every step of their journey.

Marketing Message Mastery

($900 Value)

Use this and you’ll know the exact words to use to make your clients want to buy from you with Carolin’s marketing message creation module that will mesmerize your clients .

The Client Attraction Method

($10,000 Value)

The proven method for creating a system to have clients find you! Implement a guaranteed marketing system to bring clients to you each month without cold calling, "networking", and stalking people on Facebook.

The Game Changer

($197 Value)
I’m giving you access to my personal wealth consciousness reading list so you can start to own your gifts, attract clients, and make money without any guilt. These are the exact resources I’ve used to break through to earning multiple 5-figure months!

Your Coaching Program Blueprint

($900 Value)

The only resource you’ll need to design a 1:1 Program, Group Program, or Hybrid Program™ your ideal client is going to find irresistible - this is an easy to implement, paint by the numbers plan!

Wealth Consciousness and Business Reading Assignment

($197 Value)

Access my most recommended books to keep Your Mindset Strong and Your Vibration High through the entire program.

Complete Webinar and Preview Call Training Module

($697 Value)

Hosting webinars and preview calls is going to catapult you from invisible underearner to Wildly Famous Expert in your niche. But don’t just put on any old workshop! Learn Carolin’s personal formula for structuring your Webinar Message including your slide-by-slide content, script, and show up professional and sleek for your ideal client audience.

Learn how to promote and boost attendance, how to execute with the right technology platforms, and follow up like a pro to maximize sign-ups and sale
is for those Coaches who are 100% committed to their own success and following their Passions to live a Purposeful Life.
Because of that, Brand Your Passions is by application only.

Click below to Book your private BYP Strategy Call with Carolin's Coaching Team.

“First client as a result of BYP. Happy dance!!!”

“And she did ask about lowering the price. She did, as so many do, compare it to the hourly rate of therapy. I had to sit with the fear of her saying no, but stood my ground, reminding her of the many benefits of this package (email support, accountability, all the materials and independent learning, how to bring her husband into the work at whatever level he wants or can). They are also starting their son in therapy and a private school for special needs children, so expenses are building, but felt she had to ask.

I admit, I would have been more than disappointed if she had said no. It’s more than the money – she’s an ideal client. But she said yes, and I’m over the moon."

- Fern Weiss
Here’s our biz building 4 Month agenda:

Orientation +
Month 1 +
Month 2 +
Month 3 +
Month 4 +


As soon as you enroll in the program, you will receive an Orientation Module to assist you to make the very most out of the program and how to best prepare for the 4 months ahead.

● How to work through fear and self-doubt and build your wealth consciousness to build a Premium Coaching Business and Lifestyle.
● Time management strategies successful coaches have in place and how to organize your schedule to laser focus on your path ahead.

Put that all together and what do you get?
Not just any old course for online entrepreneurs, but:

THE GO-TO Business Launch Program for Beginner Coaches ready to earn their first $10K - $20K per month.
Apply Now
Brand Your Passions is for those Coaches who are 100% committed to their own success and following their Passions to live a Purposeful Life.
Because of that, Brand Your Passions is by application only.

Click below to Book your private BYP Strategy Call with Carolin's Coaching Team.

“I already have 21 calls booked!”

I just got off my first webinar. I was a nervous wreck starting but after a few minutes passed, I felt in flow and had so much fun doing it. And I already have 21 calls booked!! This system WORKS! BYP is the bomb!! Now I have to channel my super hero Sue Richards. If you are getting through webinar slides or Facebook ads, etc, know that all your hard work is ALL worth it. Carolin Weber Soldo is a genius!

Kavetha Sundaramoorthy, Relationship Mindset Coach

Ready to claim your success and fulfill your desires?

Enrollment in Brand Your Passions is by application only. Your spot can only be reserved if you’re seriously committed to changing your life and living a purposeful life starting now.

Click below to apply.

$10k months are within your reach if:

● You’re totally over hiding out in the dark not being recognized, and not being able to differentiate yourself as one of the best coaches in your field.

● You’re ready to fuel your passion and live your dreams by creating a life and career you love!

● You’re ready to make a huge impact on the world and you understand that the only way to do it is to brand your passion and build a loyal following of dream clients.

● You want to give back and serve

● You understand just how important branding is - it’s the secret sauce that’ll get you fully booked (and keep you booked out + commanding high rates) month-after-month.

● You’ve come to understand that your thoughts and actions are highly linked to your success.

● You want to know the secret to successful sales convos so you can talk to prospective clients with confidence, face objections head-on, and convert all those fence-sitters into paying clients.
Admit that you’re just not ready yet if:

● You’re lazy. My dear, for this to work your heart’s gotta be in it! I can’t and I won’t do the work for you.

● You’re indecisive, or noncommittal - if you can’t decide on the minor things then maybe entrepreneurship is just not for you!

● It hurts to admit that you’re wrong - we’ve all got moments when we fumble. When it comes to assigning blame you’re always trying to point the finger or understand that you play a role in your own mis-steps.

● You’re skeptical about online business, I don’t have a lot of time trying to convince you to invest in yourself.

● You’re afraid to interact online or in Facebook groups. That’s the foundation of our business.

● You’re in this more for the money than for the connections. A business won’t flourish if it’s all about money!

● You’d rather just do what you’ve been doing and you don’t want to know the secrets to business, online marketing, or sales.
Apply Now
Brand Your Passions is for those Coaches who are 100% committed to their own success and following their Passions to live a Purposeful Life.
Because of that, Brand Your Passions is by application only.

Click below to Book your private BYP Strategy Call with Carolin's Coaching Team.

What would a $10k, $15k, or $20k month mean to you?

A heck of a lot, right? Because it’s not just about the money, it’s about the freedom, the lifestyle, and your passion - isn’t it?

Once you’re accepted for Brand Your Passions, you’ll get instant access to your:

Membership Site including your Orientation Materials
Weekly Coaching Modules
Bonuses and Downloads

So you can begin your life changing journey ahead of you.

You will access the private Mastermind Group, begin to work with Carolin and her coaching team, and book your Calendar with our twice weekly Live Coaching Q&A Calls so you’ll be well on your way to build your Coaching Empire in the next 4 months!
You’ve got Question, I’ve got Passion-Filled Answers

Q: What kind of coaches is this for?
Q: How does Brand Your Passion stand out? There are so many programs out there.
Q: I’m really struggling to get my head above water and get consistent clients. Will Brand Your Passion help a coach like me?
Q: Brand Your Passion includes marketing and ads, do I have to be a techie to do well in this program?
Q: Advertising is like a black hole for me. I’ve tried it before and lost money, plus I don’t understand how to do Facebook Ads or use the Power Editor, can you help me?

Q: How can I invest in myself if I’m not making money in my biz?
Q: I’m an introvert and I’m scared of stepping into the limelight. How can I be successful as a coach?
Q: I’m not a Business Coach. Can I still make money?
Q: Once I’ve signed up are you going to convince me to spend a whole lot of money on tools and systems in order to keep my biz afloat?
Q: Will I be successful in Brand Your Passion if I’m still working a day job and don’t have tons of time to commit?
Q: I’m ready to Brand my Passion, Carolin. Just one more Q, how do I pay?
Q: I’ve got questions, how can I contact you

Working with Carolin was great!

She showed me the steps I needed to take to get my new health coaching business launched and attract my ideal client. She kept me on track from week to week and always let me know what I needed to focus on next. I could not have learned and accomplished what I did without her!

What I liked best about working with her was how she broke down the overwhelming task of putting an online business together into workable weekly tasks that allowed me to make real progress.

Sandy Schriemer

I made the best business decision in years

“Before working with Carolin, I bought tons of online business courses and marketing programs, invested in some other coaches, and I went to workshops trying to find my path in business. None of it worked.

When I invested with Carolin, I made the best business decision in years. Carolin has a combination of skills you will not find in many other coaches. She’s got real experience and is totally transparent with tactics and high-level advice. The best thing about her is that she makes you feel capable and confident to trust yourself in your business decisions.

I would recommend Carolin to anyone who is finally ready to take action and get their business going in the right direction.”

Linda Poteet,

Wealth Coach for Women Entrepreneurs

You won’t be disappointed in the results you get!

My hopes in working with Carolin were to get the ‘full’ package in regards to getting my business off the ground in a “big” way. I struggled with advertising and marketing myself previously as I didn’t understand how to do so online.

Carolin’s coaching has most certainly surpassed my expectations as I really had little idea of what was really involved! I have felt totally supported and inspired by the information and steps we have taken through this process.

I would definitely recommend Carolin to anyone who is serious about increasing their business and who wants to learn about branding and marketing. By committing to working with Carolin you are committing to working with yourself, and you won’t be disappointed in the results you get!

Fiona Clark
My Message to You

Dear Coach,

About 6 years ago after I had my 2nd son Mateo, I found a passion for health and wellness. I needed to get my body and mind right, so in my typical fashion, I went about doing so with a laser focus. I became an expert in my own body and soon dropped 75 pounds! I couldn’t believe it when people started coming up to me to ask how to trim down and look good.

I took it as an invitation to find a way to help others from my heart – and so my first coaching business was born. I got certified in health and nutrition and with the fire in my belly from my previous successes, I decided to take my health and fitness coaching business online. I’d seen so many other successful coaches do it, and I knew there was room for me too.

But the transition from offline to online fitness coach was a bumpy ride – my initial efforts were a complete flop, and my heart sank when my husband would jokingly call it an expensive hobby.

I was all alone, flat on my face, and with no clear roadmap to success, but I didn’t give up! I realized that not all online businesses start their engines using the same key

I was determined to succeed in my new online coaching business! So I got to work and I invested in myself like never before – $22K to be exact – and got the support I needed from the right mentors.

And with all that my coaching business steadily took off as I attracted a consistent stream of clients and was finally getting paid for my value.

News travels fast in the coaching world, and before I knew it, fellow coaches were begging to know how in some months I hit as much as $10-$15k in income! All of a sudden I was booking more strategy calls for business consulting than referrals for health coaching. So, just like before, I couldn’t keep the secrets to myself and my online coaching business came to life and my dream of living a free and purposeful life is vibrant reality for me today!

There’s no need for you to struggle to make your dream business a reality. There’s no need to try to do this all on your own.

Your key to success is to get the support from someone who has been there and knows what it takes to turn your passions into profits.

I believe in your message and your passion and with the right support, your success in inevitable.

I have created Brand your Passions for this reason: To give you everything you need to make your dream business a vibrant reality for you without wasting any time, money, or frustration.

It’s time to play a bigger game and take yourself seriously.

It’s your time.

I know that the passion you have inside of you is there for a reason. It’s there to help you live on purpose and make the difference you are here to make.

Are you ready to step up and live your dream? Let’s do it together.

With much love,

Results and Customer Testimonials

Of course, it's important to add a disclaimer to say your results using this program may vary and are not guaranteed. Your results will be based on many variables, such as your level of effort, business acumen, personal qualities, knowledge, skills, and a host of other factors. Since these factors differ for each individual, we cannot guarantee your success, results, or income level, nor are we responsible for your success or failure.
Apply Now
Brand Your Passions is for those Coaches who are 100% committed to their own success and following their Passions to live a Purposeful Life.
Because of that, Brand Your Passions is by application only.

Click below to Book your private BYP Strategy Call with Carolin's Coaching Team.

Old Price: $99.90

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