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Get Crystal Brand Clarity...
Build a brand that represents you and your personality. Attract the right clients with an impactful message.
Say no more. I’m ready to enroll now!
Brand New Brand is my signature brand incubation program. I’ll guide you through the exact process I use with my $10K-30K+ 1-on-1 clients, from start to finish. (For a whole lot less!)
100+ Brilliant student graduates
20+ In-depth teaching modules to guide you
1 Decision away from your new reality
Will you be next to Join the BNB Family?
You’ll join an involved and intimate community of Brand New Brand students. Learn my proven process for building In Demand Brands with support every step of the way.
Do you know the *only* difference between you and such-and-such ‘big name entrepreneur’?
The most successful entrepreneurs have crystal clarity and confidence about their brand and it propels them forward.
And the best news...your own brand certainty is *already* within you.
You are enough, right now.
You just need the right process to draw it out…
Feeling disjointed, uncertain, or lost when it comes to your brand?
Feeling like you’re wearing someone else’s lucky sweater, because your brand doesn’t match who you are on the inside
Letting imposter syndrome and self-consciousness about your value stop you from launching or getting visible
Living with the feeling that everyone else has it figured out but you
Not knowing what makes you different and amazing in the eyes of your ideal client
Spinning around in the cycle of “good ideas” because you don’t know where to focus
Working for your clients and customers 24/7 instead of making time to grow your own business
Defining your brand doesn't need to be so hard.
You have the power to shape your reality.
Decide NOW is your time to stand out and get noticed.
"Success” isn’t an elusive concept that others get to enjoy.
You are ready to share your genius with the people who need it most.
Brand New Brand is a powerful incubation program designed to bring your dream brand to life, step-by-step.
When you enroll, you become part of the BNB family. ( #foreverfamily)
I’ll walk you through the process of discovering your TRUE, clear, and aligned brand from start to finish.
Create a recognizable and consistent brand that you LOVE (and your clients LOVE, too!)
Show up authentically to the world
Reach more people, expand, and GROW
Find your voice and impactful messages
This is *your* time to feel CLEAR and PROUD of your brand.
How can *all of this* be possible for you?
Here’s what I know: you are enough RIGHT NOW.
You have the genius and ambition to be as successful as you want to be. And I’ll be there to remind you of that whenever you forget.
You don’t have to sound like a cheesy Internet marketer to sell online. You also don’t need to change yourself to be more like X, Y, or Z entrepreneur. You find your success when you uncover what’s already inside of you. Through my In Demand Brand process, I’ll help you find that inner (brand) truth.
Let’s do it!
This isn’t like other brand programs.
Most programs start with a few key words, maybe a spirit animal and move straight into the “sexy” part of branding: logos, colors and fonts. My method turns this model inside out and upside down.
Beyond the incredible program experience (which I’ll detail in a bit), my approach is completely different than 99% of the brand advice out there.
We start with the innate truths that drive you and your brand, and build out from that essential CORE. I’m the psychology-driven brand strategist for a reason. We focus on the TRUTH of your brand first, and then figure out how to best express it through all of your brand choices. We get to the visuals, of course - but it’s towards end of the course, after the crucial groundwork has been completed.
If you’ve rebranded over and over, and nothing seems to stick…
Or if you can’t settle on a visual identity because you want *all the things*...
Or can’t find the words to clearly describe what you do…
It’s because the CORE of your brand isn’t settled yet. Those are symptoms of the larger problem. You don’t need a better design (YET - that will come), you need a crystal clear brand strategy.
I’m also not *just* your teacher. I’m your living, breathing example of how building an In Demand Brand works. I use this exact process in my own business AND with all of my 1-on-1 client brands. You get a proven method that WORKS, in the REAL world. (Right NOW, not 5 years ago!)
This is so much more than design. You’re investing in powerful leverage for your business, with expert guidance at every step.
“My brand now has market clarity. My right people understand what Creative Freedom means and what it stands for in the world. They can quickly decide if my work is a good fit for them. It saves me time from dealing with tire-kickers and other folks who aren't serious about investing in the kind of results I provide.
Brand New Brand was a big help in bringing that clarity to my market. You could tell Kaye really cared about the results her students were getting. She does a phenomenal job of moving you from vague concepts and a hodgepodge of images to something that really speaks to who you are and what your business is all about.
My reward was a cohesive, compelling brand that I'm proud to share with the world.”
- Lisa
When I first started out online… I was awkward.
I was obsessed with “modeling” what successful people were doing. I thought that if I followed the “proven” path, I’d see similar success. I *quickly* grew frustrated when none of the tactics worked for me.
One entrepreneur was warm, bubbly, and feminine. So I opened my website copy with a sparkly, “Hey Bombshell!” greeting.
Another entrepreneur challenged people to work hard and hustle. So, I started a weekly video series titled “Monday Morning Kick in the Pants.” #OUCH
Yet another entrepreneur shared her glamorous NYC and jet set life, so I renamed my signature service to focus on finding your “It Factor.”
I tried creating “epic content.” My website had all the “right” elements on it. I took courses from the gurus I admired. I even ran a Facebook ad campaign or two. But nothing worked as promised. I knew something was missing.
My first 6 months of business looked like this: trying to be everything to everyone and failing miserably. I was charging $97 for a page of copywriting, and couldn’t get anyone to buy. I was working my tail off, but things just weren’t aligning for me.
I had the tactical skills. I could put together a website, set up an email list, and post on social. I studied copywriting formulas and spent hours curating design inspiration.
The few clients I did have were amazing - they wrote rave reviews of my work and were a joy to work with. I *adore* those first few clients for taking a chance on me.
I was doing *all the things* EXCEPT… making any money. And honestly, the part that was most frustrating was that I KNEW I could help so many more entrepreneurs, but people just weren’t resonating with my messages.
Then one day, following the endless “rabbit hole” of internet links, I stumbled on a circa-1998 style website that listed the 12 archetypes. It felt like coming home... on the most basic, no design, text-heavy website I’ve ever visited. It was the most significant epiphany I’ve had in my career.
Suddenly, it all made sense. I could easily identify the primary archetype of EVERY successful entrepreneur I was modeling. Lover. Hero. Royal. I realized that each of them was embodying only one or two of the types, and never more than that. It was their clarity of message and certainty that attracted me (and hundreds of thousands of others) to their brands.
Even if you do all the right things…
And research every tactic…
And emulate what the “successful” people do...
It’s not until you get clear and certain about what YOU stand for, that your ideal clients are drawn to you. (Like bees to a flower! Or me to Reece’s Peanut Butter Cups )
So why is it *so* gosh-darn hard to find that unshakeable brand certainty?
Working in your business instead of on your business: It’s easy to caught in a cycle of feeding the never ending social media content monster, answering a quintillion emails, and squeezing client work in-between. If you don’t stop and pay attention to your brand, it grows fuzzier and fuzzier by the day.
Too many shiny objects competing for your attention: Instagram stories! Membership sites! Pinterest! … (You see where I’m going with this…) The problem with jumping from tactic to tactic is you don’t get the results you are looking for. Investing in your brand makes those shiny object tactics work better. But, you need to focus on defining it first.
Resistance to being seen: Oh, the good ol’ imposter syndrome. You think, "Who am I to call myself an expert? When other people clearly have way more experience – and look – they’ve been featured on Forbes! Who am I to brand myself?" (Hint: they started at the bottom, too, and your brand and ideal client depends on a unique mix of YOUR personality, talent, and skill.)
Not knowing which step to take first and next: If you struggle to put together a clear plan of action around building your brand, you are NOT alone. I talk to brilliant, ambitious entrepreneurs every day who WANT to take running leaps with their business, but are stuck because they don’t know where to start.
Being stuck in the cycle of no money, no clients: When I finally figured out what I was missing - a compelling and clear brand - I was still trapped in the cycle of hustling to finish a client deliverable, then hustling to find another client, hustling to finish the next client deliverable, then hustling to find another client… and REPEAT, ad infinitum. I had to figure out how to make space and press RESET on my business. Once I did, everything changed.
Does any of this sound familiar?
My brand feels all over the place.
I have lots of ideas but have trouble implementing them.
I feel like I’m hiding.
I’m never sure if what I’m doing is on-brand or not.
I make it up as I go.
I keep trying to do everything myself, but am scattered.
My brand doesn’t represent me.
All of these challenges result in a less-than-clear and not-quite-certain brand...
Here’s the “bad” news: it doesn’t matter how many webinars you attend, color palettes you save, marketing tactics you implement, or hours you hustle. If your brand isn’t in alignment, you stunt your growth and limit your possibilities.
But thankfully, I also come with GREAT news. It’s very simple to fix: Building a strong brand is one of the highest leverage activities you can do. You’re busy (me too), but this is the BEST NEXT STEP for getting to the next level. All of the busy-ness in your business will be easier with Crystal Brand Clarity.
Your brand is at the core of EVERYTHING you do for your business - your social media posts, webinars, Facebook ads, sales pages, content creation, sales... literally EVERYTHING.
Push over the first domino, and you’ll see for yourself. Your brand touches everything.
When you take the time and money to invest in your brand - it makes EVERYTHING else work so much better. Instead of swimming upstream, once your brand is in alignment, all that busy work feels like turning around and swimming WITH the current for a change. Creation gets easier. Visibility is inspired by your renewed confidence. You have fewer decisions to make.
You know the old story about stopping to sharpen your axe when you’re cutting down trees, right? Working on the your brand works the same way. By intentionally making space for this work, you’ll be rewarded at the end with new clarity, energy, and intention behind everything you do.
As soon as I discovered and began living my unique brand out loud, it was like removing the dam to the results I was seeking. I suddenly felt comfortable and confident in my brand, because it finally represented the very best parts of myself. I’m no longer trying to model someone else’s personality. I am being my highest self.
I now have clients for $10K-$30K, and I'm fully booked out. Sales calls are easy. My clients are a joy to work with and understand the value I bring. I’ve worked with hundreds of clients & students between my 1-on-1 work and group programs.
Now, those numbers may sound impressive to you or they may be small potatoes. Either way, that’s kind of the point. Those numbers are just what fit me at the moment. Building a brand gives YOU the power to decide what your business looks like.
You can charge a lot or a little.
You can work with a few clients, or thousands.
You can work from Naples, Italy or Naples, Florida.
You can sell services or products.
You can be the only person in your company or build a massive team.
You can retire early or donate to your favorite charity (or both!)
You can pack up to move to Thailand or stay exactly where you are. (so long as there is wifi)
Building a brand gives you leverage and influence. It gives you CHOICES to live how you want to live, and work how you want to work.
In addition to the freedom to shape your reality, you’ll see other transformations when you build your brand:
People reach out to YOU with opportunities
You wake up to leads in your inbox
Your clients value you and happily pay what you ask
People notice and recognize your signature style
Your income increases with your level of impact
Like Neo on the Matrix, once you take the brand pill, you’ll open up a whole new set of possibilities for your life. And best yet, you get to decide exactly what that looks like for you.
I’m not here to force my desires or brand choices on you - I’m here to help you bring YOUR dream brand to life.
"I was ready to take my life and career coaching practice to the next level when I found Kaye’s course. I was planning to launch a website and I wanted it to truly represent me and the unique work I do. Kaye’s course was perfect to get me on track (and I continue to use my brand book to keep me there). When I launched my website, I got two clients in the first week. Since then, I’ve had a steady flow of clients."
- Vicki
"This experience stands head and shoulders over any other online group/ mastermind/ program I’ve joined. I learned branding was much more than the package I dressed my business up in. I really didn't get that before. Truth is this approach speaks to me, energizes me, clarifies me, and magnetizes me. I realize now why I never got as far as I wanted with any of it because I kept trying to fit in to what I was taught "would work" vs transforming my brand into the best incarnation it could be, so it could attract my ideal clients organically. It revolutionized my business model. I am inspired, clear, and empowered to go forth and conquer!"
- Elizabeth
Whenever I double down on my brand, I get incredible ROI.
Of course, I can’t tell you this happens overnight or with some magic pill. It takes getting really clear on how I show up, what I stand for, and the kinds of people I want to attract. It’s an ever-evolving process.
I CAN say I’m proud of how far I’ve come. I work with clients that genuinely light me up and invest good money to work with me. I go to the gym in the middle of the morning. We’re able to take advantage of living in Europe and travel a LOT (two toddlers in tow!) I have an *incredible* core team of crazy-talented people, and many other contractors I work with. This is all to say - I am incredibly grateful to have a fulfilling career, even though my hubby’s job requires us to move every 2-3 years. And ALL of this I credit to my brand. (I love you, brand-o-mine! )
Your brand deserves more than a hodge-podge of ideas, scotch-taped together. And it shouldn’t be outsourced to someone else. The CORE of your brand strategy needs to come from Y-O-U. (It’s even a co-creation process when I do it with my 1-on-1 clients. But you get my guidance here for much less!)
This could be you:
“In my first year as a coach, coming from a completely different field, I earned a net 6-figure income.” - Sean McCool
“After BNB, I launched a website, 2 opt-ins and 2 landing pages, an email marketing campaign, a Facebook page with 80+followers, and a 5 day challenge (with landing page) in 3 months of being a company.” - Shari Miller
“When I launched my website, I got two clients in the first week. Since then, I’ve had a steady flow of clients.” - Vicky Tillman
“Since taking the Brand New Brand course, my revenue is up 268%.” - Elizabeth Barber
And even more importantly, I’m blown away by the students who report the course has LIFE-CHANGING effects. They feel at ease and accept who they are, and are proud to share their genius with the world.
And that, my friends, is priceless.
It doesn’t matter where you are in your branding journey. You might be just getting started. Or, you might be a seasoned veteran. This process will work for YOU. This doesn’t take any special know-how or skills. It only takes committing to the experience, and getting ready to dig deep.
Are you ready to transform YOUR brand?
Brand New Brand will show you how to build an In Demand Brand, step-by-step, that attracts your ideal clients, represents your authentic strengths and personality, and stands out in the market.
What is Brand New Brand?
It’s an incubation program for brands to define, elevate, and thrive. Over a period of 7 weeks, you’ll discover your best brand and bring it to life.
Hold the phone -- let that process for a moment -- in less than 2 months, you’ll be living and LOVING your own BRAND NEW BRAND. (Look out world!)
You’ll get instant access to on-demand digital lessons, and an invitation to the private community where you'll get on-demand support whenever you need it. This is NOT another course to collect dust on your digital bookshelf. This is an interactive and transformational experience designed to get you moving and get you RESULTS.
What makes this program special?
Road-tested and market-validated:I developed the In Demand Brand method from working with more than 500 brands in different capacities. This has included helping launch a 7-figure agency, bringing a national nonprofit’s signature program online, working in traditional media, and now guiding hundreds of entrepreneurs like you toward brand clarity.
Psychology FIRST: When you hear the word ‘brand’, your eyes probably gloss over and visions of logos and color palettes dance through your brain. While that’s part of it (and part of the plan), it is sooo far from the total picture. This is NOT a design course. This is a step-by-step brand strategy plan that will bring clarity to your message, purpose, and personality. We start with psychology FIRST and build the tangible elements of your brand from the foundation of those invisible demand triggers.
I didn’t throw this together in a weekend: Beyond my 15 years of business and the 500+ brands I’ve worked with over the years, I’ve spent well over 100 hours planning, creating, and designing the content. This isn’t a sloppy stab at “passive income.” This is my life’s best work.
Here’s What You’ll Learn
Learn how to claim your genius, stand out in the market, package your services, and communicate your brand.
When you complete the incubation program, you’ll:
Take your brand from an idea to a fully-formed strategy
Create a Brand Book to inform all future decisions, content, and marketing
Feel confident putting your brand out there
Bring FOCUS to your business
Not sure where to start? Or what step to take next?
I lay it out for you, step-by-step.
Create your dream business now.
Access my method and step-by-step guidance to build your psychology-driven brand that attracts the best clients to you.
Part 1 / Brand Character & Credibility
Personality: Leverage your brand archetype to stand out from the competition and to create a brand that’s true to you.
Point of View: A distinctive brand requires a distinctive point of view. We’ll define yours so you can pinpoint your most impactful message and movement.
Brand Enemies: I’ll teach you my method to decide what is on your “Not To Do” list so that your brand doesn’t go off-track.
Credibility: Gather your proof points that’ll have your clients opening up their wallets without hesitation.
Part 2 / Brand Commitment & Context
Brand Fundamentals: Define exactly what you are selling with certainty.
Tactical Goals: Determine how you’ll recoup your investment (time and money) in your brand.
Ideal Clients: This isn’t your grandma’s customer avatar exercise. We’ll get deep inside the minds of your perfect clients/customers.
Different, Not Better: Survey the market to figure out exactly where your brand fits in and stands out.
Part 3 / Voice
Tone & Voice: Learn to craft and communicate your distinctive brand voice using words that compel your ideal clients to buy.
Tagline & Bios: Once we understand how to communicate as your brand, we’ll create “client-facing” blurbs – like your tagline and bio.
Part 4 / Voice
Naming: We’ll create memorable and need-to-have-it names for your business, products, and more.
Stories & Content: Your brand’s stories help sell your brand, your message, and your point of view. We’ll work on creating your unique stories that you’ll tell over and over.
Part 5 / Visuals
Moodboard: Create a moodboard for your Brand Book that captures the visual theme and feeling of your brand
Typography: Choose a pairing of fonts to communicate your brand personality.
Colors: We’ll cover several techniques to (finally!) decide on your signature color scheme using psychology and meaning.
Part 6 / Visuals
Logo: Your logo is a first impression and a mark of consistency. I’ll teach you easy ways to do it yourself, or guidelines for hiring out the work.
Patterns & Shape: To build more texture and visual meaning into your brand, patterns and shapes provide meaning and context.
Images: We’ll talk about personal brand portraits and choosing stock images to represent your brand.
Part 7 / Live Your Brand
Presence: Define exactly how you’ll look and sound on each of your brand platforms.
Branded Website: I’ll give you my best tips for translating your brand on your website so you’ll be ready to transition from strategy to implementation seamlessly.
Visibility: Create your unique brand visibility plan for content creation and social media marketing.
Action Plan: We’ll outline your exact next steps so you aren’t left guessing at what to do next.
This program fits YOUR learning style.
You can watch, read, listen, write, or doodle to complete the assignments.
Instant access to all of the 23 video lessons. Watch the training to learn my method for building each piece of a psychology-driven brand. Download the videos to watch & learn on the go.
If you prefer to read, the transcriptions are available for all lessons.
Use the interactive worksheets and resources to think through and apply the lessons to your brand.
My exclusive Brand Book template for you to use for your brand in both PowerPoint and Keynote that you’ll update after each lesson.
My list of the best brand resources and tools to make building and implementing your brand easy.
Lifetime access to the course, including all upgrades and additions.
Meet Your Host:
Psychology-Driven Brand Strategist
Kaye Putnam
Kaye Putnam is the psychology-driven brand strategist for entrepreneurs. Through work with 500+ clients ranging from Fortune 50’s to entrepreneurs, she developed the In Demand Brand method. She believes in pursuing big audacious dreams and that entrepreneurship is the key to freedom.
When you have a clear brand, your clients love, respect, and are willing to pay premium prices for your work. And waking up to leads in your inbox every day from people who are eager to work with you is transformational!
Kaye works with students in her Brand New Brand incubation program and with clients 1-on-1. When she’s not transforming brands, she’s exploring the world with her husband and two little ones.
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Enroll now, start learning seconds later… it’s all waiting for you on the other side.
Who is Brand New Brand for?
You’ve been in business for a while, but your outsides aren’t matching your insides. You want to look and sound like the pro you are.
Bringing a new business or product into the world? Let’s set it on the fast track to reaching your goals.
Clarity and certainty are the ultimate confidence builders. We’ll set the stage for you to step into your greatest work.
Still wondering if it’ll work for you? My clients and students include:
Real Estate Agents & Financial Advisors
Doctors, Counselors, & Psychologists
Business, Life, Parenting, & Love Coaches
Writers & Authors
eCommerce Stores & Product-based businesses
MLM Reps: Oils, Health, Fitness, Jewelry, Makeup (& more)
Health & Wellness Pros
Consultants & Strategists
SaaS Companies
Agencies & Designers
Shamans, Witches, Mediums, Psychics, Oracles (& more)
“Before Kaye’s course, I didn’t have a brand… just an idea and the need to be creative. The Brand New Brand course was encouraging. It made me feel like I was doing the right thing. It gave me wonderful feedback and helped me with many difficult decisions but, most of all, it was stimulating.
My brand is a reality now. It’s an ongoing process and that’s fine. The foundation (beliefs and ideas) of my brand are clear and strong. I have my brand book to fall back on and that makes me feel very confident. I LOVE what I do now… this is ALL mine and I know the rest will follow.”
- Mara
“I loved this class so much! Before class started, I had a vague idea of what my brand was, but I had no clue how to define it or use that information. Brand New Brand gave me the knowledge and steps I needed to solidify my thoughts and get them down on paper. The feedback from the class was invaluable. As the class went on, things would click into place. I came away with a crystal clear vision of every aspect of my brand and exactly what steps I need to take to implement what I learned. Everyone who is serious about building a solid business would benefit from this course."
- Elizabeth
Here’s everything you get...
Lifetime and instant access to the program with in-depth training videos, worksheets, support from 2 expert strategists, transcripts, and my top tools
Brand Book template (in both Keynote and PowerPoint) to create your very own Brand Book throughout the course
Brand Implementation Toolkit and resources of my favorite professionals, tools, and asset sources
Lifetime Access to the private student-only group
Monthly Mentorship live group coaching with Kaye
All in all, the value of this program is over $4,138.00
Transform your brand for only $997.
Pay in full...
$4,138 VALUE
1 Payment of $997
Save $194 when you pay in full!
Spread out the investment...
$4,138 VALUE
3 Payments of $397
“Six months ago I had no presence, I was hiding. My brand was non-existent. It was all sitting in my head but for the life of me I could not figure out how to bring it into reality. Brand New Brand helped me create a brand that now encompasses my desire to help women through art journaling and my desire to help people communicate through graphic design into one place. My brand is now out of my head and visible in the world. I now have the confidence to say this is my brand and it will be ever-evolving. I am able to hold space for that evolution with curiosity instead of being resigned that I didn't have it all figured out.”
- Sarah
"Prior to the Brand New Brand course, I had a logo, a website, and brand colors for my business but I had no confidence in these choices. I was constantly tweaking my website design and colors every time I came across a new cool template. I had no clarity or consistency across my brand assets. After the Brand New Brand course, I was able to make decisions faster and be more confident that they were the right decisions. Within a few months, I was consistently live streaming to my Facebook group and publishing a weekly newsletter. Since completing the course I have launched my own 4-day challenge and created 3 opt-ins. All with “on brand” messaging thanks to my hero/sage archetype combination."
- Coleen
This Brand Mentorship Program Is For You If You…
Want to create a brand that speaks for itself
Need focus and direction in your business
Want more clients who appreciate your value and talent
Believe in taking decisive action
Want a signature style people immediately recognize
Crave working with the perfect clients for your brand
Are ready to translate ideas into substance
Want a step-by-step action plan
Do any of these resonate? If yes, BNB is for you.
“Thank you so so much Kaye! I don't know what else to say! I am in complete awe of this process! And I don't think in my 22 years of this journey of my career, that I've ever been this fully expressed! I am so grateful. I'll never be the same after this experience.”
- Shirley
“Kaye, thank you so so much for this beautiful course + the Brand New Brand family. So grateful for the effort you’ve put into reviewing my brand book - I had tears in my eyes. Thank you for your amazing work, course and everything else you do. Can i just say: I love you!”
- Myriam
I'm ready! To invest in my brand. And my future.
Choose your payment plan below.
Lifetime and instant access to the program with 20 training videos, 30+ worksheets, 2 expert strategists, transcripts, and resources…: $3,000 value
Brand Book template in both Keynote and PowerPoint to create your very own Brand Book throughout the course: $97 value
Brand-implementation toolkit and resources: $47 value
Lifetime Access to the private student group: $497 value
Monthly Mentorship live group coaching with Kaye: $497 value
Pay in full...
$4,138 VALUE
1 Payment of $997
Save $194 when you pay in full!
Spread out the investment...
$4,138 VALUE
3 Payments of $397
Now... I'll attempt to read your mind....
What happens after I sign up?
Only half-kidding. You’ll get instant access to the lessons and a welcome email with instructions and a link to the exclusive BNB Students Only Facebook Group. Then… #happydance
I’m sooooo busy! Will I have time to do this?
You are absolutely correct that this program takes time. And I’ll be the first to tell you that it’s soul-searching, intensive work. It’s a comprehensive process to build your brand with clarity and confidence. Here’s the good news - once you put in the work, all other decisions get easier. Time spent now will reap countless time-saving benefits down the road. Do you have a goal to sell more? Work less? Or possibly impact more people? Now is the perfect time to make an investment that will give you more time towards *those* big audacious goals.
I don’t know if I can afford this.
Look at this decision as an investment in your future clients. How many new clients or customers would you need to book to recoup your investment? If your brand was where it needs to be, what could you be charging for your product/service? And a little tough love: can you afford not to improve your brand? I can’t guarantee you’ll do the work, but if you do, I know this works. By investing in the program, you are deciding to stop spinning your wheels and to get into action.
I haven’t launched yet… I’m just starting my business. Will this work for me?
Sì. Oui. Ja. Yes in every language! Building your brand is the foundation of your business and will make launching easier. You will have MORE clarity and confidence to be visible, be loud, and be yourself. All decisions will be easier and you will magnetically attract your ideal clients to YOU so you can focus on your genius instead of on sales.
I already have a brand / I’ve been in business for ___ years. Will this work for me?
Even better! You know your business like the back of your hand and you excel in your zone of genius. But you’re probably here because something feels off...or disconnected...OR you’ve evolved since launching ___ years ago. NOW is the time to revisit your branding to find how your personality, values, or ideal clients have changed and get your content and messaging back on track.
I am NOT a designer. Will I be able to do this?
You will still EXCEL! This is NOT a design course. Brand New Brand is about discovering your inner brand and letting your true personality shine through. You’ll gain powerful tools to start basic DIY design work *if you want* or you’ll have all the intel you need to have a pro designer create your brand identity design for you. One based on your TRUTH instead of on trends.
How much time will this take?
This is not meant to be a “light” experience. It’s my end-to-end process to build your brand. I spent countless hours distilling my most impactful experience and advice into the lessons. If you sprinted through the content, you could probably get through it with an hour per day for the 7 weeks. Or take your time! You have unlimited access to the course (Including future upgrades!)
Do I need any special software?
Nope! You just need internet access to download the videos...after that, you just need a device to watch! You have access to your very own Brand Book template in PowerPoint or Keynote depending on your computer choices.
I REALLY want to do this, I just want to be SURE.
I get it! This is a big decision. But here’s why this is a no-brainer:
I’m teaching you a repeatable process that works... both for my personal brand and for 100’s of clients and students.
You get lifetime access to the course lessons.
Whenever I have exciting updates you’ll get access because you’re in the BNB family. And it’s a FABULOUS family. (I’m not biased )
Imagine how much time you’ll save completing this process with guidance and help instead of trial-and-error D.I.Y. all alone.
The work you do in this program will translate into EVERYTHING else you do in business… creating your website, getting visible on social media, crafting your offers, introducing yourself at networking events, setting up landing pages and sales funnels… EVERYTHING. This is high-value, high-leverage work.
"Before Brand New Brand, I was intimidated with picking colors, logos, visuals that all communicated the same message. It all felt overwhelming and that it would take a lot of time to get the "basics" together.
Your method helped me expedite the process. After BNB, I launched a website, 2 opt-ins + 2 landing pages, email marketing campaign, Facebook page with 80+followers, and a 5 day challenge (with landing page) in 3 months of being a company.
The BNB course made this very easy because I knew what I stood for and how to communicate it. I now feel my brand is clear, defined, and reflects who I am… It is truly my own brand.”
- Dr. Shari
“People told me my branding could be better, but no body offered me a systematic way to explore how to improve it...
Kaye’s Brand New Brand course completely changed that. I loved the concept of looking at branding through archetypes and Kaye’s course was the only branding course that focused on it in detail and depth.
She is truly an expert in this area of study! Before Brand New Brand, I felt my brand was not a true reflection of myself. Since completing the course, I have received number compliments on my new brand and I finally feel it 100% reflects my personality.”
- Rob
Try BNB Risk Free - 100% Money-back guarantee
If you complete the assignments from the first week and you don’t think the course is a good fit for you, share your homework assignments within 30 days and I’ll cheerfully return your investment to you. I want you to be 100% happy with your decision.
Trust your gut. You know when you’re ready to play a bigger game.
You ACTUALLY read my mind! I'm ready now!
Choose your future...
Pay in full...
$4,138 VALUE
1 Payment of $997
Save $194 when you pay in full!
Spread out the investment...
$4,138 VALUE
3 Payments of $397
"Life-changing amazing stuff going on here…
I have to tell you I am having this INCREDIBLE EPIPHANY… it’s like my whole life story is falling into place… it’s a multi-generational story and it suddenly makes SO MUCH SENSE and it’s central to who I am…
I am 58 years old and suddenly my whole life makes sense to me!!! I am a professional counselor of 30 years and I’ve been wandering around lost in a dessert not having a clue about my core message UNTIL NOW!!! LIFE CHANGING AMAZING STUFF going on here."
- Deborah
This is the background work I had been missing… Seriously Kaye, this course IS AMAZING.
I had done 2 rebrands in 4 years and within 12-18 months of each one I felt like they weren’t the right fit anymore even though my business hadn’t changed that much if at all. I loved your brand archetype and it just spoke to me.
So I followed you and realized – yes – this is the background work I had been missing. The exercises and the guidance you give has made this process so clear and easy. I’ve never ever felt so clear and confident.
- Jina
You made it to the end...
I hope that means you've enjoyed my witty banter...
and brand-obsessive tendencies. Or... maybe you've stuck around because....
Everything I'm saying is resonating with you. You *KNOW* it's time. Time to dedicate serious effort to your brand.
Time for some tough love. You know it's time to take action, so let's go! You get a ton of amazing bonuses in the process and LIFETIME access to the BNB course. It's smart on all accounts.
You get that you should develop your brand... but... committing is hard... what if this isn't everything I've promised?
Like I said earlier... I get it! I'll tell you these last two things. One - this course is *everything* it's promised and more! Two - if you do the assignments in the first week and HATE it, you are protected by the refund policy!
Immediately after you paid:
- 1.- You will receive an email to get your download link
- 2.- This is an example of the text file you will get
- 3.- You copy and paste this link on your browser, and now you can download all the courses as a ZIP file.
FAQ Your Most Popular Questions, Answered:
Immediately after the payment, you will get a link to download the product (like a google drive folder). The link will be sent to your email account immediately, and you can always get the link on your account history too.
The course is 100% completed and updated (includes ALL videos, pdfs, files, screenshots, everything); after you pay, you get a link to download the course Immediately.
We will send you a full refund if you don't get the complete course you ordered and we can't solve the problem in the following 24 hours. Please get in touch with us if you want a refund. Your refund request will be processed within 24 hours
We show screenshots from the course, give you a video sample, and show you the folder where you will get access to download the course; that is proof that we have the course.
Also, you don't need to trust us; you will be protected by PayPal buyer protection; if we don't send you the course, you can ask Paypal to give your money back
All registration information is automatically encrypted and anonymous, so it's safe.
We don't even use your name on our testimonials.
You can even use fake info; we don't need your real name. We understand you want to protect your privacy.
If your course has a problem, please send us a screenshot and tell us the problem. Then, we will solve the problem.
We will send a full refund when the problem can't be resolved.
Yes, send the information from the course you want to our chat or email at [email protected]
We are confident provide for all of you an excellent service. If you have any problems, please contact us via Live chat. If we are not online, send us an email at [email protected]. We will solve the problem quickly as possible!
NO, you don't need to get a premium subscription or download torrent software.
Forever. You bought the course, and you own it for life. Access it anytime you want. You'll also get all the course updates and new lessons for FREE forever.
Yes. We've partnered with PayPal to handle billing and provide a secure socket layer, and 256-bit encryption. So in layman's terms: Your credit card is secure.
Card information is stored ONLY by Paypal secure server (We never have access to your payment information)
Facebook Group Access
Support from the course creators
Mastermind or calls
Windows or App Software
You don't even need to trust Us. The Paypal Buyer Protection Policy will protect you.